Rules for the authors


Attachments to the text

Attach to the text INDEX and KEYWORDS in Italian (or in the language the essay is written) and in English, title in English, a brief bio-bliographic note about the author in Italian, e-mail address.

Blank spaces

Don’t leave blank lines between paragraphs. Don’t leave double spaces between words.

Don’t put in a space after opening and before closing parentheses; after opening and before closing quotation marks; before the indication of the note; at the beginning of the paragraph; between a punctuation mark and the preceding word; after the apostrophe.

Put in a space after every punctuation mark.

In footnotes, leave a space between the note numerical indication and the note beginning: e.g. 1 R. Romano, Tra due crisi: l’Italia del Rinascimento cit.


In the text the note indication goes before the punctuation mark: e.g. 2.

Don’t syllabify the text

Paragraph indentation

Indent the first line of each period 0.75 cm.

Title of the paragraph

Type the title in bold after two blank lines at single spacing and leave a third blank line after having typed it in. Left justify, without indentation.

Quotations of long passages

Before typing in the text leave a blank line. Then type the text using a smaller font size (e.g. 10) without preceding and following quotation marks. After having typed in the text leave another blank line.

Parenthetical clauses between dashes

Use dashes ( – ) both at the opening and at the closing, preceded and followed by a space. They can be found through the “insert” menu, “symbol”. The hyphen (-) is only used to connect two words: e.g. ante-bellum.

Foreign words

Type in italics only the words having an Italian equivalent: e.g. football, which has an Italian equivalent “calcio”. Leave instead in Roman “sport”, “film”, “élite”, etc., which don’t have any Italian equivalent and have now come into current use. However foreign words don’t take the plural (leader not leaders).

Capital/lower case letters

Use capital letters for the title of the essay (e.g. IL MEDITERRANEO DI BRAUDEL); lower case letters (and bold type) for the titles of paragraphs (e.g. Il mercante italiano tra Medioevo e Rinascimento). Use lower case letters also for acronyms (e.g. Asp, not ASP; Enel, not ENEL; Asl, not ASL; Usa, not USA).

Small Capital: the editorial staff will directly see to its possible use.

Italics: reduce its use to the minimum, for single words or expressions you want to emphasize.

Citations of books and articles

Both in footnotes and in the occasional closing bibliographic list, citations should be homogeneous from the formal point of view.

  • books and articles titles in italics;

  • journals titles between guillemets: «…» (they can be found through the “insert” menu, “symbol”). The journal title should NOT be preceded by the preposition “in”.

Works should always be quoted with the following information: author’s surname preceded by his/her name’s initial with a full stop, title of volume, publisher, town of publication, year of publication: e.g. R. Romeo, Il Risorgimento in Sicilia, Laterza, Bari, 1982, pp. 55-56.

In the case of two or more authors, surnames should be separated by a comma (,), not by a hyphen (-): e.g. H.G. Koenigsberger, G.L. Mosse, G.Q. Bowler, L’Europa del Cinquecento, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 1990. Don’t put in any space between an author’s first and second name initials with full stop. Example: M.A. Visceglia, not M. A. Visceglia.

In the case of a non monographic contribution but which is included in a volume or journal by various authors, it is not inappropriate the reference to the pages involved, or to the used ones. Examples:

P. Hartner, Il capitale tedesco nell’industria elettrica italiana nella prima guerra mondiale, in B. Bezza (edited by), Energia e sviluppo. L’industria elettrica italiana e la Società Edison, Einaudi, Torino, 1986, pp. 100-250;

G. Sapelli, Organizzazione del lavoro all’Alfa Romeo. 1930-1951. Contraddizioni e superamento del “modello svizzero”, «Storia in Lombardia», A. 6, n. 2 (1987), pp. 103-120;

V. Graziadei, Pasquino in Sicilia nel ‘600 e ‘700, «Archivio Storico Siciliano», N.S., XXXII (1907), pp. 108-109.

In a miscellaneous volume the editor’s name goes before the book title and it is followed by the expression “edited by” in brackets: e.g. G. Carocci (edited by), Quarant’anni di politica italiana dalle carte di Giovanni Giolitti, II, Dieci anni al potere. 1901-1909, Feltrinelli, Milano, 1962.

In case the editorship concerns a single author’s work, the editor’s name (preceded by “edited by”) follows the title: e.g. A. de Tocqueville, La democrazia in America, edited by C. Vivanti, Einaudi, Torino, 2006.

Foreign authors will replace the expression “edited by” with “ed.” (or “eds.” in case of more editors).

In case of works already quoted once, use “cit”, not in italics and not preceded by a comma (e.g. G. Sapelli, Organizzazione del lavoro all’Alfa Romeo cit., p. 105). Instead “ivi” should only be used when you are referring to the last cited work without any possibility of misunderstanding (e.g. Ivi, p. 105); use “ibidem” if you are referring to the same page cited in the previous note. The single page should be indicated with “p.” followed by the page number. More pages should be indicated with “pp.” followed by the page numbers used or by “ff.” (e.g. p. 24; pp. 24-32, pp.24 ff.).

The pages from an archive document should be quoted with c. or cc. and with the indication of the recto (r) and/or verso (v) without full stop (E.g. Asp, Notaio Gaspare Fialdo, vol. 13415. Palermo, 2 settembre 1591, indiction V, c. 2r).

Quotation Marks

Guillemets («…») for quotations within the text. Use quotation marks or inverted commas (“…”) for a second quotation inside a quotation between guillemets.

Single words or expressions you want to emphasize or stress in a different way can be put between inverted commas (e.g. “well”) or, even better, within simple single quotes (e.g. ‘well’).

The punctuation mark at the end of a period between quotes goes outside the quotation marks (and not vice versa).

Figures and tables

All figures should be numbered, progressively, according to Arab numerals. Tables too should be numbered but with Roman numerals. Example:

Fig. 1 – Figure caption.

Tab. I – Table caption.

List of abbreviations used

It would be advisable to prepare a list of the abbreviations used in order to avoid quoting archive details in full. It will be attached to a footnote marked by an asterisk at the end of the title of the essay.