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Matthew of Agrigento. The political and religious engagement of a franciscan...  495

                    which compelled even Jews and Muslims to participate. It was a way
                    to make them aware of the peacemaking power of the most holy name
                    of Jesus. Queen Mary, impressed by what had happened, thus decided
                    to found a convent for the observant in Valencia as well . The oppo-
                    sition of the Friars Minor Conventual, however, was not long in com-
                    ing: they expressed to the king all their displeasure with Matthew and
                    his confreres, who had harshly criticized their way of life. Work on the
                    new abode for the Observants began anyway, thanks to the protection
                    afforded to the reform movement by Queen Mary .
                       The mission conducted by the Agrigentine in the Iberian domains
                    of the Trastámara between 1427 and 1428 must have been particu-
                    larly challenging for Matthew, as it was characterized by the friar’s
                    constant travels from city to city and his intense sermocinal activity.
                    His presence in Alfonso’s continental kingdoms was, however, crucial
                    to the consolidation of the observance in Spain. After stopping for a
                    very brief period on the island of Majorca in mid-1428, Matthew de-
                    cided to return to Sicily .

                    5. Between Sicily and Spain

                       In mid-1428, Matthew returned to Sicily to give new impetus to the
                    Franciscan observance movement. On the strength of the permission
                    granted to Alfonso by the papal legate Pierre de Foix, which allowed him
                    to found five new convents, the Agrigentine dedicated himself to estab-
                    lishing the new observant communities on the island . Two letters from
                    the queen sent in 1428 to two of her Syracuse officials seem to betray
                    the  Franciscan’s  presence  in  this  city:  probably  Matthew  went  there
                    both to preach and to discuss the construction of the new convent of
                    St. Mary of Jesus . Unfortunately, the lack of documentary sources
                    does not allow us to shed light on the Franciscan’s activities in Syra-
                    cuse, much less to clarify the terms of the foundation of the Cammarata
                    convent during the same 1428. Thus, it has been assumed that the
                    establishment of an observant community in the latter town was in-
                    tended  to  counter  the  dense  Jewish  presence  in  the  Agrigento

                       62  Cf. J. Rubió i Balaguer, El beat Mateu d’Agrigento cit., p. 117, and, therefore,
                    A. Amore, La predicazione del B. Matthew cit., pp. 272-274.
                       63  See A. Amore, La predicazione del B. Matthew cit., p. 279.
                       64  Valencia, General archives of nation, Registros 35, c. 100r.
                       65  Cf. J. Rubió i Balaguer, El beat Mateu d’Agrigento cit., p. 115, and F. Rotolo,
                    Il beato Matthew d’Agrigento cit., pp. 151-152.
                       66  Aca, Real Cancilleria, Registros 2967, cc. 130r – 130v. (see A. Amore, Nuovi
                    documenti cit., p. 29).

                                               Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XX - Dicembre 2023
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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