Page 179 - Mediterranea-ricerche storiche, n. 48, aprile 2020flip
P. 179

To contain and control: work organization and poor government in the...   179

                    average, better than that of peasants at the same time . The idea of
                    ruling  the  bodies  by  food  is  deeply  analysed  in  Michel  Foucault’s
                    studies and a similar approach was widely adopted all over Europe
                    after the seventeenth century. A cost sheet, with details of the fabrics,
                    clothes and linen used at the institute, was enclosed with the main
                    budget and was based on yearly consumption .

                               Table 4. Nourishment annual budget of the whole
                                   Real Albergo dei Poveri of Palermo (1811)
                                             Item                         Sicilian onze
                      Wheat                                                   360
                      Wood for heating                                        219.28
                      Wheat flour                                             174.3
                      Fresh fish                                              223.17
                      Wine                                                    270.20
                      Vinegar                                                 52.12
                      Beans                                                   78.8
                      Lentils                                                 35.1
                      Chickpeas                                               6.2
                      Charcoal                                                74.24
                      Oil                                                     160
                      Meat                                                    608.20
                      Cheese                                                  112.7
                      Broad beans                                             13.14
                      Codfish                                                 15.2
                      Salted olives                                           2.18
                      Salad                                                   52
                      Pumpkins                                                20
                      Pasta                                                   786.29
                      Total for nourishment                                   3192.12
                    Source: Asp, Rsi, f. 5272 and R. Rossi, Poor government and work organisation in the
                    Real Albergo dei poveri of Palermo cit.

                       The government of space had a fundamental role in discipline bodies
                    follow  Bentham’s  Panopticon  and  Michel  Foucault  interpretation .
                    However, beyond the disciplinary aspects, space management is an

                       21  P. Malanima, Cibo e povertà nell'Italia del Sette e Ottocento, «Rises, Ricerche di
                    Storia Economica e Sociale», voll. 1-2, 2015, pp. 15-39.
                       22  Asp, Rsi, f. 5272.
                       23  M. Foucault, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, Vintage Books, New
                    York, 1995, pp. 20 e sgg.

                                                 Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Aprile 2020
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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