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Reading Il Caffè: scientific method and economic knowledge in the “School of Milan”  281

             general  cultural  climate  within  enlightened  debate,  and  not  only  in
             Lombardy. It testifies the presence of a significant skepticism as to the
             heuristic reach of geometrization of the social sciences. In 1772, when
             the so-called ‘sixth edition’ was published, Ignazio Radicati di Cocconato
             already  advanced  a  number  of  basic  criticisms,  writing  to  Frisi  in
             March of that year to express his disappointment and fears for the
             future:  «they  will  make  of  political  economy  what  the  Scholastics
             made of philosophy». The important reservations of the Tuscan math-
             ematician, Pietro Ferroni, followed in 1796.
                A particularly outraged analysis was contained in an anonymous
             pamphlet entitled Meditazioni sull’economia stercoraria, which Franco
             Venturi  has  shown  to  be  the  work  of  Carli,  probably  offended  by
             Verri’s failure to mention his earlier criticism in the new edition of his
             work. The Meditazioni parodied the «excremental economy», following
             a pattern of argumentation already visible elsewhere – for example in
             the  letters  exchanged  by  the  Genoese  Pietro  Paolo  Celesia  and
             Ferdinando Galiani in December, 1772 .
                The uneven response accorded to the mathematization of economic
             knowledge proposed by the Milanese Barnabite, Frisi, is worth a brief
             widening of our perspective and a few further elements to fill out the
             picture may be useful premises for some more specific considerations I
             shall develop in the second part of this paper concerning ways in which
             the  figures  of  the  Lombard  Enlightenment  dealt  with  the  theme  of
             scientific method in relation to economics and the other social sciences.
                As Pier Luigi Porta has observed, one of the distinctive traits of the
             Lombard Enlightenment project for the elaboration of a new economic
             science is its reforming intent and the will it embodies to break open
             the tradition of the public administrator with a wholly legal formation
             in favor of a broadly economic figure with special, scientific, charac-
             teristics. This was especially the case after the creation on November
             20, 1765, of the Supreme Royal Council on Public Economy (Supremo
             Reale  Consiglio  di  Pubblica  Economia),  presided  by  Gian  Rinaldo
             Calvi, Verri’s antagonist as well as one of the most important economists
             in the Milan of the time . Verri’s own economic thought – which con-
             stituted  the  prime  expression  of  that  great  political  and  cultural
             moment – went from Elementi di commercio (whose first version dates
             from 1760), to the last of the Discorsi entitled Sull’indole del piacere e
             del dolore [‘On the Disposition of Pleasure and of Pain’] (1773): a work
             in which he once again took on themes of major scientific import, ar-

                17  P. Tubaro, Un’esperienza peculiare del Settecento italiano, cit., p. 203.
                18  Bognetti, Moioli, Porta, Tonelli 2006, 1-91.

             n.43                            Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XV - Agosto 2018
                                                      ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80