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Reading Il Caffè: scientific method and economic knowledge in the “School of Milan”  283

             mathematical,  though  not  necessarily  numerical»  (a  characteristic
             from which coherently proceeds «the refusal of the phenomenological
             data, the need to highlight the functional relations hidden among the
             various components of reality» ) – then I think we need to examine
             more closely the possibility of including Verri’s economic production
             (and, more broadly, the ideas regarding scientific method applied to
             the social sciences formulated by the participants in the Lombard En-
             lightenment),  under  this  heading.  Let  me  then  take  a  few  pages  to
             open up this line of thought.
                The bibliography  regarding Verri has introduced  some important
             elements  of  complexity  into  the  apparently  compact  methodological
             structure within which Verri formulated his economic theory. Already
             in the Meditazioni, where the basic goal of happiness (felicità pubblica )
             is presented as an algebraic formula in the reduction of the relationship
             between the terms of desire and possibility, and where, as a staunch
             utilitarian, Verri leans towards addition in the form of an enlargement
             of the possibilities offered to mankind, the propensity to take advantage
             of  one  of  the  concepts  destined  to  become  essential  to  his  political
             economy – that is, the creativity whose existence is the indispensable
             condition for the passage from the merely passive possession of things
             to the enjoyment of full-bodied happiness – has been remarked. «The
             excess of needs beyond […] power [to assuage them] is the measure of
             man’s unhappiness, and it is no less the unhappiness of a State», he
             would later write in his Economia politica.
                So the mere enjoyment of goods is distinguished from their desirable
             creative enjoyment, that is, the pleasure of doing and making with all
             the elements open to human possibility. From this premise comes, on
             the one hand, Verri’s analysis of virtù, defined as every useful act and
             thus a term/concept with an active meaning; on the other, an anthropology
             which focuses on the possibility of activating, with adequate stimuli, the
             personal, human, resources producing creativity. Even in Verri’s most
             important economic essay, the Meditazioni, the insistence on the theme
             of creativity as the fountainhead and origin of the formation of wealth –
             and so a proper object of political economy – is evident .
                An immediate indication, with strong methodological consequences,
             of the role Verri assigns to ideal and practical creativity in the develop-
             ment of economic discourse may be seen in the process integrating
             the principle of «automatic mechanisms» into the theory and policy of

                22  P. Tubaro, Un’esperienza peculiare del Settecento italiano, cit., p. 194.
                23  The notion of public happiness best conveys the significance of the contribution of
             the Milanese School (see P.L. Porta, Italy, cit.).
                24  P. Tubaro, Un’esperienza peculiare del Settecento italiano, cit., pp. 47-8.

             n.43                            Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XV - Agosto 2018
                                                      ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82