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It is (not only) the will of god»: the king-doms of Cyprus and Cilician Armenia...  171

                    growing threat from the East and the Byzantines led the Armenians to
                    send a letter to Pope Lucius III offering submission to the Roman Church
                    in 1184 . In return, Armenian Catholicos Gregory IV received a pallium
                    and a copy of Rituale Romanum sent by the papacy. Despite the fact that
                    the pope now believed the Armenian Church to be under papal authority,
                    the Armenian attitude was more concentrated on gaining help from the
                    West than on an actual union .
                       In  the  1180s,  Cilician  Armenia,  having  survived  Saladin’s  con-
                    quests, became important to the success of the Crusade of the Holy
                    Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, and the papacy was therefore
                    keen to maintain good relations with Cilician Armenia’s lay and eccle-
                    siastical leaders, Prince Leo II, and Catholicos Gregory IV. In 1189,
                    Pope Clement III sent letters to Leo and Gregory urging them to assist
                    the Crusaders militarily and economically . Having defeated the Sel-
                    juks near Iconium, Frederick sent letters to Leo and soon received a
                    response from the Catholicos Gregory. Pleased with the approach to
                    the Armenians Frederick sent another message and stated that he was
                    willing to crown Leo. Nerses of Lampron was an ideal mediator for Leo,
                    who sent Nerses to meet with the catholicos first and then to meet the
                    emperor afterwards, in Seleucia. Leo joined the meeting party to wel-
                    come  the  emperor,  but  the  emperor  died  while  crossing  the  Göksu
                    River before meeting the Armenian party. Nevertheless, the Armenians
                    had  managed  to  contact  the  emperor  via  ambassadors  before  his
                    death . Even after Saladin died in 1193, Cilician Armenia sustained
                    relations with the West to defend itself against a possible future Mus-
                    lim attack or Byzantine intervention. According to the Muslim sources
                    Leo, while on the one hand trying to establish his link with the Holy

                       79   P.  Halfter,  Papacy,  Catholicosate  and  Kingdom  of  Cilician  Armenia,  in  R.G.
                    Hovannisian, S. Payaslian, Armenian Cilicia, Mazda Publishers, Costa Mesa, California,
                    2008, pp. 114-116; T.L. Aloysius, (ed.), Acta Romanorum Pontificum a S. Clemente ad
                    Coelestinum III Pontificia Commissio ad Redigendum Codicem Juris Canonici Orientalis,
                    Fontes: series 3, vol. 1, Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, Vatican City, 1943, pp. 811-13, n.
                    395; P. Halfter, Das Papsttum und die Armenier im Frühen und Hohen Mittelalter: Von
                    den ersten Kontakten bis zur Fixierung der Kirchenunion in Jahre 1198, Böhlau, Köln,
                    1996, pp. 150-151.
                       80  K.M. Setton, R.L. Wolff, H. Hazard, (eds.), The Later Crusades: 1189-1311 cit., p.
                    643; B. Hamilton, The Armenian Church and the Papacy cit., pp. 67-69.
                       81  K.M. Setton, R.L. Wolff, H. Hazard, (eds.), The Later Crusades: 1189-1311 cit., p.
                    645, fn. 18; Papal letters are not preserved in Latin, see L. Alishan, Léon le Magnifique
                    Premier roi de Sissouan ou de l’Arménocilicie, St. Lazare, Venice 1888, (reis. Hachette
                    Groupe Livre, Paris, 2014), pp. 163-165; For the relations between Pope Clement III and
                    the Armenians, see also P. Halfter, Das Papsttum und die Armenier cit., pp. 172-77.
                       82   Ibidem; RHC Arm.,  vol. 1, pp.  422-23;  C.  Mutafian,  The  Brilliant  Diplomacy  of
                    Cilician Armenia, in R. G. Hovannisian, S. Payaslian, Armenian Cilicia, Mazda Publish-
                    ers, Costa Mesa, California, 2008, pp. 98-99.

                                                 Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XIX - Aprile 2022
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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