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                    The settlement of tunisian immigrants in Syria in the beginning of the 20  century...  371

                    to purchase the necessary tools for agriculture should be found urgently.
                    It was ordered to transfer this money derived from a lottery organized for
                    contributing the resettlement costs to the branch of Ziraat Bank in Da-
                    mascus . It was important and urgent for the province to provide the
                    necessary money as soon as possible due to the precarious and miserable
                    situation of immigrants who were temporarily placed at the inns (han).
                       The presence of immigrants waiting under difficult conditions for
                    their resettlement continued in the following year. The resettlement of
                    120 Tunisian immigrants consisting of 34 families who came to Da-
                    mascus via Aleppo, could not be done. In addition, there were 70 Cau-
                    casian immigrants waiting to be settled in the region. The governor’s
                    office, who had problems with finding the required money for the set-
                    tlement of these immigrants, requested it from the Ministry of Interior.
                    The government found this impossible and wanted the 5,000 lira re-
                    quired for the expenses to be covered by the local budget or covered
                    by the Agricultural Bank of Damascus from lottery revenues. In the
                    reply sent to the Syrian Province on the 24  of February 1909, it was
                    stated that permission was requested from the vizierate for the proce-
                    dures to be carried out regarding the Tunisian immigrants, reply was
                    expected. It was mentioned that the Ministry of Finance in order to
                    obtain the money urgently, and to prevent the immigrants from stay-
                    ing in temporary residences and misery for a long time .
                       Again, another Tunisian immigrant group in Syria applied to the
                    government to be resettled as soon as possible, but they were not re-
                    settled  yet.  Tunisian  immigrants  applied  again  on  the  8   of  March
                    1909, and drew attention to their plight. The Governor of Syria re-
                    ported the situation to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in a letter for
                    the urgent settlement process on the 25  of March 1909. Upon corre-
                    spondence with the Grand Vizier, the Ministry of Internal Affairs re-
                    quested that Immigration Commission carry out the transactions im-
                    mediately, to give the necessary orders for resettlement . Looking at
                    the records two years after this event, it is seen that the settlement
                    problem  continued.  There  were  Tunisian  immigrants  who  came  to
                    Syria in 1910 and still could not be settled. According to the records
                    of  the  Council  of  Ministers  dated  the  12   of  February  1911,  the

                       38  «Instructions on the settlement of immigrants from Caucasus, Tunisia, Rumelia
                    and Algeria who were sent to the Province of Syria and to solve this problem». BOA,
                    DH.MKT. 2760/42, 8 March 1909.
                       39  «Procedures to be made about Tunisian immigrants coming to Damascus». BOA,
                    DH.MKT. 2760/53, 08 March 1909.
                       40  «Resettlement demands of Tunisian immigrants in Syria». BOA, DH.MKT. 2776/1,
                    25 March 1909; «Correspondence between Ottoman government and Syrian Province
                    regarding  the  dispatch  and  settlement  of  Tunisian  immigrants».  BOA,  DH.  MKT.
                    2794/3, 12 April 1909.

                                                 Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XX - Agosto 2023
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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