Page 149 - Rivista58_BR_con_cop
P. 149

                    The settlement of tunisian immigrants in Syria in the beginning of the 20  century...  375

                    the Governor of Syria Hulusi Bey to the Ministry of Internal Affairs on
                    the 28  of November 1914, 17 immigrants of British and French na-
                    tionality from Algeria and Tunisia were settled. The governor reports
                    that these immigrants had applied for Ottoman citizenship .
                       One of the most important issues regarding the immigrants reset-
                    tled in the Ottoman lands was the exemptions granted to them. The
                    Ottoman State initially exempted immigrants who took refuge, from
                    taxation for 10 years and from military service for 25 years. The aim
                    here was to enable the immigrants to become producers as soon as
                    possible. However, this meant economic loss for the state over a long
                    period of time, and for this reason, the exemption period was reduced
                    for the immigrants during the 1877-1878 Ottoman-Russian War to 3
                    years exemption from taxes and 10 years exemption from military ser-
                    vice. As both the number of immigrants and their burden on the state
                    increased, changes were made again in 1889 regarding exemptions.
                    After  this  date,  tax  exemption  of  immigrants  was  determined  as  2
                    years and military service exemption as 6 years.
                       Immigrants from Tunisia and Algeria who were settled in Syria in
                    1888 were exempt from military service for 20 years. A letter was sent
                    to the provinces of Syria, Adana, Aleppo and Beirut and the governors
                    of Jerusalem and Zor in 1908, when this period expired, and the pro-
                    cedures were initiated . Likewise, Tunisian immigrants who came and
                    settled in Syria in the following years were exempt from military ser-
                    vice for 6 years. The military exemption of these immigrants expired
                    in 1909. As a result of the correspondence between the 5  Army Com-
                    mand, the Ministry of War, Foreign Affairs and Internal Affairs and the
                    Grand  Vizier  in  September  1911,  it  was  decided  to  grant  the  same
                    exemption to newly arrived Tunisian and Algerian immigrants .
                       Not only deciding on the geography to be resettled, but also trans-
                    porting the immigrants to the settlement was an important issue in
                    immigrant resettlement. The government has also acted very selflessly
                    regarding the dispatch of Tunisian immigrants who came to Syria but
                    were not found suitable for settlement there. The food, accommodation

                       49  «About the Russian, French, British and Tunisian and Algerian immigrants who
                    want to come to Syria and become Ottoman citizens». BOA, DH.EUM. 5. Şb. 4/53, 28
                    November 1914; «Correspondence regarding the requests of Tunisian immigrants to be-
                    come Ottoman citizenship». BOA, DH.ŞFR. 450/142, 28 November 1914.
                       50  «Conscription of immigrants who have settled in Syria because their military ser-
                    vice exemption period has expired». BOA, MV. 119/73, 29 June 1908.
                       51   «Decisions  on  Tunisian  and  Algerian  immigrants  settled  in  Syria».  BOA,  ŞD.
                    653/58, 13 May 1911; «On the exemption of immigrants from Tunisia to Syria from
                    military service for six years». MV. 153/53, 19 June 1911; «Exemption of Tunisian im-
                    migrants  settled  in  Syria  from  military  service».  BOA,  DH.MB.HPS.M.  1/41,  11  July
                    1911; «Military service exemption of Tunisian immigrants who settled in Syria». BOA,
                    BEO. 3941/295504, 29 September 1911.

                                                 Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XX - Agosto 2023
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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