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Contro ogni previsione: uno scontro navale nel Mediterraneo moderno...   545

                               B. Lavery, The Colonial Merchantman Susan Constant 1605,
                                    Conway Maritime Press, London, 1989, p. 43.

                                      Fig. 5 – An English Ship Model (ca. 1630)

                       In opposition to Katip Celebi's advice for sailors to the effect that
                    «the admiral must hold back from the fight and not galvanise into ac-
                    tion against the enemy», Cafer Pasha engaged the English vessels with
                    his  own  ship .  In  more  detail,  the  admiral’s  bastarda  boarded  the
                    Hector, but not laterally; rather, the admiral approached the English
                    bertone from the stern. One of the possible reasons could have been
                    employing  the  petard  on  the  Hector’s  stern  in  order  to  explode  the
                    transom, as mentioned above . Nonetheless, no account refers to any
                    explosion, at all; and it is a fact that Cafer Pasha directly employed the
                    spur,  the  striking  force  of  the  galley,  against  the  enemy  stern .
                    However,  instead  of  piercing  through  any  random  spot  there,  the

                       79  Kâtip Çelebi, Tuhfetu’l-Kibar, p. 240.
                       80  B. De Groot, Dutch Navies of the 80 Years’ War, p. 34.
                       81  De Groot suggests that attacking at the stern to damage the rudder was a
                    tactic used by galleys against sailing ships, B. De Groot, Dutch Navies, p. 26.

                                               Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XX - Dicembre 2023
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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