Page 185 - Mediterranea-ricerche storiche, n. 48, aprile 2020flip
P. 185

To contain and control: work organization and poor government in the...   185

                         Table 6. Synopsis of Mexico City Poor House daily food ration
                            Meal                          Description
                      Breakfast          Chocolate with atole (corn beverage) and sugar; ½
                                         pound of bread
                      Lunch (regular)    8 ounces of meat; 1 pound of bread
                      Dinner (regular)   8 ounces of meat; ½ pound of bread
                      Lunch (Lent)       Peas, Beans lentils
                      Lunch   (religious  Extra meat or fried shrimps or eggs and sweet rice
                      holidays)          with milk.
                    1 ounce = 28, 755 g.; 1 Pound = 460 g.
                    Source: Agn, Bandos, vol. 10, Exp. 18.

                       The scheme clearly shows the richness of the diet, compared to the
                    constraints  to  which  the  vagabonds  and  the  humblest  parts  of  the
                    urban  population  were  subjected.  The  diet  was  based  on  a  mix  of
                    carbohydrates and proteins with a substantial amount of meat, well
                    above  what  a  member  of  the  urban  proletariat  could  afford.  This
                    further explains the large influx of volunteer inmates who chose the
                    rigors  of  the  Poor  House  discipline  for  insured  meals  and
                    accommodation .

                      Table 7. Mexico City Poor House. Sources of funding 1803 (in pesos)
                        Royal Lottery                                  12.000
                        Tablas de carniceria                           2.500
                        Interests income                               2.817
                        Rental (from 2 houses)                         926
                        Funeral attendance                             2.100
                        Sale of cloth                                  951
                        Zuñiga’s estate                                1.300
                        Zuñiga for infirmary                           3.020
                        Regular pledges                                3.317
                        Pensions                                       934
                        Alms                                           500
                        Total                                          30365
                        Difference (positive)                          4657
                    Source: Agn, Historia, vol. 44, Estado del Real Hospicio de Pobres de Mexico en 31 de
                    diciembre de 1803.

                       32  S.M. Arrom, Containing the poor. The Mexico City Poor House cit., pp. 89-92.

                                                 Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Aprile 2020
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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