Page 190 - Mediterranea-ricerche storiche, n. 48, aprile 2020flip
P. 190

190                                                      Roberto Rossi

                factor in the re-education and qualification of inmates – considered not
                integrated within the society due to their orphancy and poverty – making
                them acceptable . The silk manufacturing model was strengthened and
                legitimised by some internal regulations . Accounts were opened in the
                name  of  spoolers,  reelers,  twisters  and  weavers  to  control  them  and
                measure  their  costs.  The  accounts  reported  the  worker’s  name  and
                surname, the number of days worked in a month by each orphan girl
                employed in the factory, and the wage paid. Table 9 is a summary of the
                aggregate data stated in the detailed accounting sheets .
                   The workers’ performance within the Real Albergo was meticulously
                monitored, aiming to control factory work. Moreover, there was an ex-
                post control too based on the comparation of results and objectives .
                If, on a micro scale, accounting consists of «instruments that render
                visible, record, differentiate and compare» , then labour accounting in
                the factory, a tool that allows «the construction of an individual person
                as  a  more  manageable  and  efficient  entity»,  enabled  the  General
                Superintendent to monitor each individual performance (table 9) .

                      Table 9. Orphan girls employed in Real Opificio delle Sete:
                            monthly working days and wages (July 1801)
                  Production process           Number                  Wage
                     and number            of working days          (average in
                      of workers           (monthly verage)        Sicilian onze)
                          35                     18.6                   9.17
                           7                     17.8                   7.6
                          13                     13.7                   7.5
                           8                     15.25                  7.5
                          13                     16.7                   7.16
                Source: Asp, Rsi, f. 5272.

                   45  M. Battaglini, L’esperimento di San Leucio tra paternalismo e illuminismo, Edizioni
                Lavoro, Roma, 1983.
                   46  Asp, Rsi, voll. 5271, 5272.
                   47  R. Rossi, Poor government and work organisation in the Real Albergo dei poveri of
                Palermo cit., p. 62.
                   48  Asp, Rsi, vol. 5272.
                   49  M. Foucault, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of Prison cit., p. 208.
                   50  P. Miller, T. O’Leary, Accounting and the Construction of the Governable Person cit.,
                p. 235.

                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Aprile 2020
                ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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