Page 188 - Mediterranea-ricerche storiche, n. 48, aprile 2020flip
P. 188

188                                                      Roberto Rossi

                neutralise thefts, interruptions of work and disturbances . However,
                reclusion alone was not enough to reach all disciplinary areas. The
                separation of the space allowed the identification of individuals as a
                function  of  the  occupied  space .  Finally,  coding  allowed  the
                classification  of  individuals  to  generate  «calculable  persons  in
                calculable space» . In this sense, the “statisticalisation” of inmates
                was the key tool to facilitate the observation of workers and the quality
                of their work, admitting comparison and classification .

                The Real Albergo dei Poveri of Palermo

                   The administrative organisation of the Real Albergo tasked three
                deputies appointed by the General Lieutenant of the King and a Royal
                Delegate (administrative superintendent), that responded directly to
                the King, with overseeing all factory management decisions .
                   The three deputies coordinated the activity of the silk factory that
                was  settled  within  the  Real  Albergo.  The  technical  direction  of  the
                plant was assigned to an expert manager (a silk producer), while the
                single production functions were supervised by specific controllers, as
                reported in figure 2 . It is important to remember that control system
                had  a  twofold  purpose:  re-education  of  (a)social  people  and,
                meanwhile,  extract  labour  from  labour  power  valorising  the  job
                process. The technical school for spooling and weaving settled within
                the Real Albergo was the tool to implement the control on inmates (by
                education discipline) and to valorise the work by technical education.
                   The inmates both male and female (as the projette: female orphans)
                hosted in Real Albergo dei Poveri were obliged to work within the Real
                Opificio  delle  Sete .  Obviously,  work  would  have  been  the  pivotal

                   38   S.  Carmona,  F.  Gutierrez,  Outsourcing  as  compassion?  The  case  of  cigarette
                manufacturing by poor Catholic nuns (1817–1819), «Critical Perspectives on Accounting»,
                vol. 16, n. 7, 2005, pp. 875–903.
                   39   N.  Macintosh,  Accounting,  accountants,  and  accountability:  poststructuralist
                positions, Routledge, London, 2002.
                   40  P. Miller, T. O’Leary, Accounting and the Construction of the Governable Person,
                «Accounting, Organizations and Society», vol. 12, n. 3, 1987, p. 239.
                   41  K. Hoskin, R. Macve, Accounting and the Examination: A Genealogy of Disciplinary
                Power, «Accounting, Organizations and Society», vol. 11, n. 2, 1986, pp. 105–136; Id.,
                The Genesis of Accountability: The West Point Connections, Accounting, «Organizations
                and Society», vol. 13, n. 1, 1988, pp. 37–73.
                   42  Asp, Rsi, vol. 5271.
                   43  Asp, Rsi, vol. 5272; R. Rossi, Poor government and work organisation in the Real
                Albergo dei poveri of Palermo cit., pp. 57-59.
                   44  T. Dispenza, I problemi della produzione e del commercio della seta in Sicilia e la
                Scuola pilota dell’Albergo dei Poveri di Palermo alla fine del Settecento cit., pp. 115-193.

                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Aprile 2020
                ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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