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722                                                 Recensioni e schede

           idence – on the results achieved in  system” one starts observing “anom-
           Rome as early as the 1570s by such  alies and imperfections” (p.34), which
           non-permanent public health meas-   cannot  but  redirect  one’s  attention
           ures, give a sense of urgency to the  onto the more nuanced social realities
           critical re-thinking of the above men-  and incongruities – and I may add,
           tioned historical assumptions.      forms of resistance – found in these
              One other theme of discussion is  state  sanitary  systems.  This  opens
           the  embeddedness  of  public  health  up  a  largely  unexplored  territory
           institutions  within  existing  power  which still requires in-depth archival
           structures. The ways and means by   research and theoretical elaboration.
           which sanitary institutions were used  Moreover,  other  authors  in  this
           as instruments of power in the Italian  publication  illustrate  how  public
           city states is found running in most  health  institutions,  used  to  protect
           of these contributions. In his essay  the territorial boundaries of the state
           dealing with the public health system  in turn created social borders which
           in  the  Republic  of  Genoa,  Danilo  led  to  the  definition,  containment,
           Pedemonte  shows  how  sanitary  in-  marginalisation  and  stigmatization
           stitutions – more so the “permanent”  of the vulnerable poor, the destitute,
           ones  –  facilitated  the  consolidation  the vagabonds, and minorities such
           of  state  spatial  and  social  control,  as  the  Jews.  It  is  agreed  that  the
           mainly by «coming to mediate between  sanitary procedures instituted in the
           the  central  state  and  the  local  and  various states, were also techniques
           peripheral realities». This study makes  of control which defined as the (neg-
           evident how the Genoese Magistratura  ative) “other” those on the other side
           di Sanità operated to prevent the in-  of – or trying to cross – “the border”.
           filtration  and  spread  of  epidemics  Matteo Di Figlia, in the last essay of
           but also to control people’s movement  this volume, explains how the con-
           and commercial traffic on the borders  solidation  of  the  ‘natural  sea-coast
           of  the  state.  The  author  narrows  frontiers’ of the Kingdom of Two Si-
           down  his  analysis  on  the  sanitary  cilies  in  1816-17  –  mainly  through
           regulations which were enacted and  sanitary quarantine procedures – de-
           implemented within the city, providing  fined all those who found themselves
           examples of the biopolitical techniques  crossing  the  border  line  as  “alien”
           operated on – with the intention to  and  “foreigners”;  to  be  treated  as
           manage  and  discipline  –  the  urban  “the enemy.”
           population. Here, one cannot but ob-   Moreover,  while  acknowledging
           serve that the interpretations of both  the role played by these sanitary in-
           Danilo Pedemonte and Renato Sansa   stitutions/measures  to  protect  the
           immediately  evoke  the  Foucaultian  population from disease and to con-
           view of the public health institutions  solidate the social order, various con-
           as disciplinary dispositives. Nonethe-  tributors  here  make  evident  that
           less,  through  evidence  drawn  from  these frequently led to unintended –
           contemporary  records,  Pedemonte   indeed conflicting – consequences for
           emphasises that in this “disciplinary  the state. Raffaella Salvemini in her

           Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XIV - Dicembre 2017    n.41
           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
   249   250   251   252   253   254   255   256   257   258   259