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Reading Il Caffè: scientific method and economic knowledge in the “School of Milan”  289

             ethical and aesthetic, as we can see quite clearly in the poetic analysis
             of Dante’s Divine Comedy . Here is how Pietro Verri begins:
                What inconceivable sort of people might those pedants ever be who, in sit-
             uations which are made to excite those quivers in the soul called sentiment,
             instead of surrendering to the magic of the illusion, draw their pendulum or
             calipers from their pocket to examine them frigidly and to pass judgment on
             them? You set before them a painting full of poetry and expression […] [and
             they] limit themselves to criticizing the draftsmanship and the proportions of
             a leg or a finger, the uncertain crease in a stocking, or other small defects of
             the sort, and, puffed up by this discovery, they forego real pleasure with a
             lightheartedness  that  ill  suits  the  rarity  with  which  [such  moments]  occur
             among the series of our sensations .
                There could be no more programmatically explicit declaration of the
             spirit of inquiry adopted by the intellectual circles we are considering
             than Alessandro Verri’s article The Obeisance (‘Le riverenze’) which is
             satiric  as  is  the  Report  Concerning  a  Prodigious  Comet  Observed  in
             Milan (‘Relazione  d’una  prodigiosa  cometa  osservata  in  Milano’),  in
             which  his  brother,  Pietro,  in  high  astronomic  style,  parodies  the
             prodigious hats worn by Teresa Blasco, Cesare Beccaria’s wife . In the
             Obeisance (FR 73–8), Alessandro appealed to “friend Demetrio”, host of
             the imaginary café in which his circle periodically gathered, exhorting:

                Tell your writers of the Caffè that I am about to publish a very instructive
             work,  whose  title  will  be  A  Mathematical-Logical-Political  Treatise  on  the
             Obeisance. The title is weighty and I hope to make it brilliant in invention and
             erudition. You know, oh blessed Demetrio, that the men of our times want
             analysis,  demonstrations  and  algebraic  calculations  everywhere;  I,  as  a
             sensible man, shall use that language and furnish the theory with which to
             calculate the disposition and character of nations and men concerning the
             diverse ways of bowing. Let me explain myself. Let us consider the human
             body  as  a  line  perpendicular  to  the  horizon;  this  line  I  call  felicity;  let  us
             consider the man lying upon the ground as parallel to the horizon; this line I
             call misery; the angle which these two lines form is, in fact, 90 degrees: that
             is,  a  right  angle;  now,  I  shall  show  that  all  possible  bows  are  comprised
             between these two terms; and I shall propose the solution of the nature of so-
             cieties and men derived from the angle to which they are accustomed. I shall

                36  FR1, 50-5.
                37  Ibid., 50.
                38  P. Verri, Relazione d’una prodigiosa cometa in Milano-1763, in P. Verri, Cose varie
             buone, mediocri, cattive del conte Pietro Verri fatte ne’ tempi di sua gioventù, le quali con
             eroica  clemenza  ha  trascritto  di  sua  mano  nell’anno  1763  ad  uso  soltanto  proprio  o
             degl’intimi  amici  suoi,  in  Schettini,  M.  (ed.),  Milano  in  Europa,  Milan,  Cino  del  Duca
             editore, 1963, pp. 103-112. I should like to thank professor Carlo Capra for bringing
             this work to my attention.

             n.43                            Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XV - Agosto 2018
                                                      ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88