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292                                                   Germano Maifreda

           the  artisan  know  three  times  as  much  as  that  laborer,  and  the
           merchant more than the artisan; finally, let every living being know
           somewhat more than how to eat, drink, sleep, yawn, and annoy his
           neighbor, the which marvelous qualities are wonderfully found together
           most often in a life without the misery of need» .
              In the pages of Il Caffè, the new enlightened culture is, then, an
           open form of co-partnership and dialogue, free of discriminations that
           are not those related to the cognitive method chosen for each separate
           case. There is no authentic cognitive construct without social relations:
           «All the human sciences are but a luxury attached to the condition of
           sociable man», Pietro Verri declares unequivocally in The Useful Studies
           (‘Gli studi utili’) .
              Savage  societies  go  on  without  any  sort  of  science,  but  this  luxury  of
           reason is what, in fact, distinguishes the crude nations from those civilized;
           this  luxury  is  what  makes  customs  more  gentle  and  humane;  that  which
           provides  for  infinite  needs  and  ennobles,  may  I  say,  our  species.  Whoever,
           then, says that a given science is not useful, because the world could go on
           without it, accuses that science of an absolute superfluity common to all the
           others .
              Crude men «know that winning a case at law is something useful,
           that curing an illness is useful; so they conclude that the science of
           the laws, the science of medicine, are useful sciences». But such men
           «do not know that intimate and delicate connection which all sciences
           have between them; nor do they know that there is but one science in
           the world, whose name is the discovery of truth, and that, whatever
           the truths may be, they are always useful to mankind and are, in the
           universal culture in which Europe finds itself in this century, glorious
           at least for the nation in which more [of them] are discovered». The
           real difference between ignorance and learning passes, then, through
           the overcoming of banal purposing of learning to the useful; it is in
           this framework that the praise of the geometric spirit – which represents
           one of the most lucid and poetic pages of the entire repertory of the
           Lombard Enlightenment – is here so fervently expressed.
              I know mathematics – just as they easily disclose even the most unexpected
           and  sublime  truths –  are,  equally,  stingy  in  producing  some  that  are
           immediately useful; but the geometric spirit is a spirit which spreads through
           all the sciences and all the arts, perfecting and adorning them in such a way

              45  FR1, 135.
              46  FR1, 311-8, 313.
              47  Ibid., 313.

           Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XV - Agosto 2018       n.43
           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91