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It is (not only) the will of god»: the king-doms of Cyprus and Cilician Armenia...  159

                    export . As Cypriot ports grew important enough to support rulers’
                    and the military orders’ material needs, this mutual relationship af-
                    fected  their  political  fortune  too,  in  which  the  papacy  was  also  in-
                    volved. One may define this relationship as ‘symbiotic’.
                       As for the Orthodox community on the island, the documents re-
                    garding the end of the twelfth century and the beginning of the thir-
                    teenth  century  are  quite  scarce .  Before  the  establishment  of  the
                    Latin Church, even after the conquest of Richard the Lionheart, it is
                    clear that the Orthodox Church still functioned as it had before the
                    conquest .  However,  at  the  time  of  the  establishment  of  the  Latin
                    Church a considerable number of clergymen on the island fled, along-
                    side the Greek nobility who were the greatest benefactors of the Or-
                    thodox Church . Within the wider |Orthodox Church, the hierarchy
                    on the island had a sort of independence, since the archbishops of
                    Cyprus were appointed from candidates offered by the bishops on the
                    island and a strong organisational infrastructure . Nevertheless, the
                    Orthodox Church of Cyprus suffered organisationally in various ways
                    from the political situation in the Eastern Mediterranean.
                       Especially in the first years of the conquest of Cyprus, the Latin
                    Church was incapable of adopting an aggressive policy toward other
                    denominations, as the new church had not sufficiently organized and

                       25  N. Coureas, Hospitaller Estates and Agricultural Production on Fourteenth and Fif-
                    teenth Century Cyprus, in E. Buttigieg, S. Phillips, (eds.), Islands and Military Orders,
                    c.1291-c.1798, Ashgate, Farnham, Burlington, 2013, pp. 215-216. For some of the early
                    thirteenth-century grants, see E. Strehlke, (ed.), Tabulae Ordinis Theutonici: ex tabularii
                    regii Berolinensis codice potissimum, Weiddman, Berlin, 1869 (reis. Kessinger Publish-
                    ing, Whitefish, 2009), pp. 51, 266, 270-274. n. 71, 298, 302, 303; G. Bresc-Bautier,
                    (ed.), Le Cartulaire du Saint Sépulcre de Jerusalem, Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner,
                    Paris, 1984, pp. 331-332, n. 174. For trade in sugar and carobs trade originating in
                    Limassol, see N. Coureas, The Structure and Content of the Notarial Deeds of Lamberto
                    Di Sambuceto and Giovanni Da Rocha, 1296-1310, in A. D. Beihammer, M. G. Parani, C.
                    Schabel, (eds.), Diplomatics in the Eastern Mediterranean 1000-1500: Aspects of Cross
                    Cultural Communication, Brill, Leiden, Boston, 2008, p. 229.
                       26  For a different set of documents regarding the Orthodox community, see Cartulary
                    cit.; Synodicum cit.; C.N. Sathas, (ed.), Bibliotheca Graeca Medii Aevi, vol. 2, Olms Ver-
                    lag, Venice, 1872; J.P. Migne, (ed.), the Patrologia Graeca, 161 vols., Paris, 1857-1866,
                    vols. 142 and 158. For secondary scholarly works, see N. Coureas, the Foundation Rules
                    of Medieval Cypriot Monasteries cit., 2003; G. Grivaud, Les Lusignans et leurs Archontes
                    Chypriotes 1192-1359, in C. Mutafian, (ed.), Les Lusignans et l’Outre Mer: Actes du Col-
                    loque, Poitiers, Lusignan, 1995, pp. 150-158; E. Kaffa, the Greek Church of Cyprus, the
                    Morea and Constantinople During the Frankish Era 1196-1303: A New Perspective, Cam-
                    bridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, 2014.
                       27  C. Schabel, Religion cit., pp. 184-186.
                       28  Ibidem.
                       29  N. Coureas, The Latin Church in Cyprus cit., p. 252.

                                                 Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XIX - Aprile 2022
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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