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                   The military orders were involved in politics in different ways. Nat-
                urally, they acted as mediators between the papacy and the Crusader
                states. One of the best examples is the conflict that took place between
                1229 and 1233 in the Latin East which involved local feudal lords, the
                military orders, the papacy, and the Holy Roman Emperor . During
                the  conflict,  the  Grandmaster  of  the  Teutonic  Order,  Hermann  von
                Salza,  who  had  visited  both  Cyprus  and  Cilician  Armenia  in  1212,
                acted as mediator between the Order, the emperor, and the pope, even
                though the Teutonic Order had different interests to those of the other
                military orders . In later years a Teutonic bailiwick of Armenia and
                Cyprus was to be established. Since both kingdoms were vassals of
                the Holy Roman Empire, they, and especially the Armenians, relied on
                Teutonic support for defense against their enemies . In the first quar-
                ter  of  the  thirteenth  century,  Leo  granted  additional  privileges  and
                possessions,  predominantly  situated  across  the  northwestern  and
                eastern borders go the kingdom, to the Teutonic Order and the Hospi-
                tallers, who, overjoyed by these grants, supported the king militarily
                and diplomatically .
                   The  military  orders  sometimes  had  to  take  sides  between  lords,
                support local actors (receiving privileges in return), and typically, run
                businesses in the region. The Templars, the Hospitallers, and the Teu-
                tonic Order were also involved in the trade in cash crops, which was
                equally important for local rulers . The Hospitallers and the Teutonic
                Order  contributed  particularly to the agricultural complexity in Cy-
                prus, cultivating various crops produced in the South, including in the
                diocese  of  Limassol,  some  of  which  were  exempt  from  taxes  on

                Militaires au Moyen Age: Rencontre autour d'Alain Demurger, Collection de la Casa de
                Velázquez, Madrid, 2015, pp. 334, 337.
                   20  N. Morton, The Teutonic Knights During Ibelin Lombard Conflict, in J. Upton-Ward,
                (ed.), the Military Orders, Ashgate, Aldershot, 2008, p. 139; D. Abulafia, Frederick II: A
                Medieval Emperor, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1992; P. Edbury, The Kingdom of
                Cyprus cit., 52; N. Coureas, The Latin Church in Cyprus cit., pp. 173-174.
                   21  N. Morton, The Teutonic Knights during the Ibelin Lombard Conflict cit., p. 139; H.
                Kluger, Hochmeister Hermann von Salza und Kaiser Friedrich II: Ein Beitrag zur Frühge-
                schichte des Deutschen Ordens, Elwert, Marburg, 1987, p.163.
                   22  H. Houben, The Teutonic Knights in Palestine, Armenia, and Cyprus cit., p.151.
                   23  M-A. Chevalier, Les Ordres Religieux-Militaires cit., pp. 337-338; Idem, Les For-
                téresses des Ordres Militaires en Arménie: un atout Indispensable dans l’accomplisse-
                ment de leur Mission, in C. F. Fernandes, (ed.), Castelos das Ordens Militares, vol. 2,
                Direção Geral do Patrimonio Cultural, Lisboa, 2014, pp. 205-225.
                   24  H. Houben, The Teutonic Knights in Palestine, Armenia, and Cyprus cit., p.151.
                See also M. Solomidou-Ieronymidou, The Crusaders, Sugar Mills and Sugar Production
                in Medieval Cyprus, in S. Rogge, Michael Grünbart, (eds.), Medieval Cyprus: a Place of
                Clutlural Encounter, Waxmann, Münster, New York, 2015, pp. 147-175; P. Edbury, S.
                Kalopissi-Verti, (eds.), Archaeology and the Crusades, Pierides Foundation Publication,
                Athens, 2007.

                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XIX - Aprile 2022
                ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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