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630                                                     Magnus Ressel

                   Diagram 1: Customs revenues of the Fondaco dei Tedeschi 1710-1770 in ducats





                      1710  1715  1720  1725  1730  1735  1740  1745  1750  1755  1760  1765  1770

                                          Imports       Exports

                Source: G. Campos, Il commercio esterno veneziano della seconda meta del ’700 secondo le
                statistiche ufficiali, «Archivio Veneto», A. 19 (1936), pp. 145-183.

                   However, this picture is in some regards misleading. A Venetian
                official, Marco Pianeti, wrote on June 3, 1730 to the Cinque Savi alla
                Mercanzia his opinion on why the revenues were falling:

                   The table of Grislotti, established by the wisdom of this Most Excellent
                Magistrate, has contributed to the growth of the customs revenues of the im-
                port tolls; it was ordered to be observed by the resolution from October, 2 nd
                1728, before which time, not safeguarded from abuse, these people [the Gri-
                solotti; MR] to whom it was necessary to import goods not coming from Ger-
                many imported these in arbitrarily via the Fondaco, now that the merchants
                are granted the right to this Customs Office, they find it less burdensome, and
                I see that this revenue, maybe not entirely legitimately, has increased in the
                past five years 45 .

                   45  Asv, Cs, II Ser., 72: “Ha contribuito ad accrescere il Dacio alla Dogana d’Intrada
                la Tavolella de Grisolotti instituita dalla sapienza di quest’Ecc(ellentissimo) Mag(istrato);
                è  commandata  da  osservarsi  con  Terminatione  delli  2  Ottobre  1728,  prima  del  qual
                tempo non distinte dall’abuso le persone alle quali fosse permesso spedire per Fontico
                Merci non provenienti dalla Germania, concorevano con arbitrio li Mercanti a questa
                Dogana, quall’hora vi ritrovano meno pesante l’aggravio, e di tale provento se bene non
                legitimo vedo accresciuto il passato quinquenio.”

                Mediterranea – ricerche storiche – Anno XIX – Dicembre 2022
                ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109