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The best-kept secret in the Mediterranean: Barbarossa’s 1534 Tunis campaign   379

                    Sultan’s Firman or Adverse winds: The testimony of Ottoman sources

                       In  his  biographical  encyclopaedia  of  Ottoman  poets  (Meşâirü’ş-
                    şuarâ), which he completed in 1568 and presented to Sultan Selim II,
                    Âşık Çelebi narrates an anecdote about the poet Mahremî, who was
                    captured in 1534 together with his family by a Christian ship when
                    they were on their way from Salonica to Istanbul. Âşık Çelebi refers
                    the year of Mahremî’s captivity with the following words: «It was the
                    beginning of the appearance of [the late] Hayreddin Pasha, [the late]
                    Sultan  Süleyman  was  on  campaign  in  Iraq,  and  it  was  the  year  of
                    Hayreddin  Pasha’s  Tunis  fleet» .  The  anecdote  further  relates  that
                    after Mahremî secured his release, he met the poet Esîrî who served
                    as an Ottoman official in Kızılhisar (Karystos, Greece). Mahremî asked
                    him about his poet friends, Kâtibî (Seydi Ali Çelebi) and Nigârî (Nakkaş
                    Haydar), who were also high-ranking mariners in the Ottoman fleet.
                    According to Âşık Çelebi, Esîrî responded: «Hayreddin Pasha is on his
                    way to Tunis with the fleet and Seydi Ali Çelebi and Nakkaş Haydar
                    are  serving  under  him» .  Âşık  Çelebi  was  fifteen  when  Barbarossa
                    conquered  Tunis  and  had  just  settled  in  Istanbul  after  his  father’s
                    death . Even though he completed his Meşâirü’ş-şuarâ thirty years
                    later, the way in which the 1534 expedition found an echo in such an
                    important source for Ottoman cultural history, demonstrates that it
                    was  deeply  embedded  in  popular  culture,  and  specifically  as
                    Barbarossa’s Tunis campaign.
                       Ironically, the picture is not that clear in historical sources. Ottoman
                    historiographers  produced  different  and  incoherent  accounts  of  the
                    conquest of Tunis throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
                    During the reign of Süleyman, historical writing grew significantly and
                    became  an  indispensable  tool  for  glorifying  the  military  and  admi-
                    nistrative deeds of the sultan. The panegyric type of historiographical
                    activity,  in  forms  such  as  Süleymannâme,  Şehnâme  or  Gazanâme,
                    proliferated under his patronage and became important instruments for
                    portraying and promoting his image as a military leader, a just ruler, and

                       17  «Miskin Mahremî ehl ü ‘ıyaliyle esir oldı...Hayrü’d-din Paşa-yı merhumun zuhurınun
                    eva’ili ve Sultan Süleyman-ı merhumun ‘Irakeyn seferinde olup Hayrü’d-din Paşa’nun Tunus
                    donanması  yılı  idi».  Â.  Çelebi,  Meşâirü’ş-şuarâ  [Dictionary  of  Poets],  ed.  F.  Kılıç,  Kültür
                    Bakanlığı, Ankara, 2018, p. 334.
                       18  «Esirî cevab virüb Hayrü’d-din Paşa donanma ile Tunus’a ‘azimetde ve Seydi Ali Çelebi
                    ve Nakkaş Haydar anunla bile hıdmetdedür diyü haber virür». Â. Çelebi, Meşâirü’ş-şuarâ
                    cit., p. 334.
                       19  H. Aynur, Kurgusu ve Vurgusuyla Kendi Kaleminden Âşık Çelebi’nin Yaşamöyküsü
                    [The Life Story of Âşık Çelebi from his Pen through his Fiction and Emphasis], in H. Aynur,
                    A. Niyazioğlu (eds.), Âşık Çelebi ve Şairler Tezkiresi Üzerine Yazılar [Articles on Âşık Çelebi
                    and his Dictionary of Poets], İstanbul Koc Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul, 2011, p. 34.

                                                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Agosto 2020
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118