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376                                                    Evrim Türkçelik

                The conquest of Tunis in modern historiography

                   Most of the general surveys of Süleyman’s Mediterranean policy as
                well as the few articles focusing on Barbarossa’s conquest of Tunis
                have interpreted it either as part of Süleyman’s preconceived plans, or
                as  Barbarossa’s  unauthorized  and  opportunistic  expedition.  İdris
                Bostan  stands  out  among  those  who  took  the  position  that  the
                objective of the Ottoman fleet from the outset was to conquer Tunis.
                According to him, the year 1534 was a symbolic year in which the
                sultan bestowed the office of admiral on Barbarossa, established the
                province of Cezâyir-i Bahr-i Sefîd for him and sent him to take Tunis.
                Bostan argues that the real target of the Ottomans was to end the
                internal struggles for the Tunisian throne among the ruler and his
                brothers in favour of the Ottomans, and to block Spanish influence in
                Tunis,  whose  ruler,  Mulay  Hassan,  had  allied  with  Charles  V  and
                become one of his vassals in North Africa . The Ottomans were to play
                a decisive role in this struggle because in the previous year, Mulay
                Rashid, the brother of Mulay Hassan and pretender to the Tunisian
                throne, had taken refuge in Algiers with Barbarossa and was brought
                by him to Istanbul where he appealed for Ottoman aid. Bostan also
                refers to an archival finance register of the spring of 1534 relating to
                the naval preparations in which the destination of the armada was
                indicated as diyâr-ı Mağrib . However, whether this term referred to
                Algiers  or  Tunis  or  to  the  whole  of  North  Africa  is  not  specified.
                Moreover, Bostan discusses the conquest of Tunis in the context of
                the  incipient  French-Ottoman  alliance  and  argues  that  the
                international conjunction of the war between Charles V and Francis I
                and the anti-Habsburg rapprochement between the French and the
                Ottomans were key factors behind the decision to conquer Tunis .
                   Svat Soucek interprets the capture of Tunis as a strategic move that
                paralleled the sultan’s conquest of Iraq and argues that Barbarossa
                might have discussed this strategy with the sultan and İbrahim Pasha.
                According to Soucek, the principal objective was to take advantage of
                the  strategic  position  of  Tunis  with  its  suitable  gulfs  and  ports  for

                   8   İ.  Bostan,  Kanuni  ve  Akdeniz  Siyaseti  (1530-1550)  [Kanuni  Süleyman  and  the
                Mediterranean  Politics],  in  Ö.  Kumrular  (ed.),  Muhteşem  Süleyman  [Süleyman  the
                Magnificent], Kitap Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2007, p. 28.
                   9  İ. Bostan, The Establishment of the Province of Cezayir-i Bahr-i Sefid, in E. Zachariadou
                (ed.), Kapudan Pasha, His Office and His Domain, Crete University Press, Rethymnon, 2002,
                p. 246.
                   10  İ. Bostan, Kanuni ve Akdeniz Siyaseti cit., pp. 28-31.

                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Agosto 2020
                ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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