Page 147 - sfogliabile 49
P. 147

Juan De Rena and the financing of the Tunis campaign             413

                    These  papers  give  us  a  very  different  perspective  from  what  has
                    prevailed to date in that they reveal the vital contribution made by the
                    Portuguese in this respect:

                       As  I  have  written  before  to  Your  Majesty,  there  are  not  enough  ships
                    available, other than the numerous caravels, tafurcas, Sevillian vessels and
                    chalupas that I have requisitioned in Seville and el Puerto [of San Lucar?].
                    The request I sent to the Portuguese ambassador asking them to send ships
                    from  there  will  not,  as  Your  Majesty  writes,  delay  the  dispatch  of  their
                    caravels. On the contrary, it will hasten it, because I specified in my letter
                    that these ships had to be in Malaga by the eight of March because that was
                    the date that Your Majesty had set for the fleet to sail. However, I wrote at
                    once  to  inform  them  what  Your  Majesty  has  written  to  me.  The  king  of
                    Portugal’s  factor  has  informed  me  that  they  have  written  to  him  from
                    [Portugal] that their fleet will be ready to sail by mid-March and not before
                    that. From this we can deduce without doubt that it will not be here before
                    the  end  of  March.  Nevertheless,  if  we  can  finalise  the  preparations  here
                    before that date we shall do so 43 .

                       Mondéjar was critical of the decision to organise the Iberian fleet
                    and  embark  the  troops  in  Barcelona  because  he  argued  that  this
                    would increase costs, and it required them to ship the soldiers north,
                    that is, further from their final destination. Moreover, the merchants
                    he was dealing with in Andalucía were unwilling to provide victuals for
                    the fleet in Cataluña because that year Catalan wheat was cheaper
                    than in the markets of Granada, and they refused to send it to the port
                    if they were paid at the lower price . Another, more acute problem the
                    commissioners encountered was the shortage of lead. The great deficit
                    of  lead  in  1535  would  be  a  recurring  feature  in  the  preparation  of

                       43  Ags, E, 30, s. f., Málaga, 25 February 1535: «De navíos ay falta, como a v. mg.
                    tengo scripto, más de carabelas y tafurcas y barcos sevillanos y chalupas que para este
                    tiempo tendré rrecabdo por que en el Puerto y Sevilla tengo embargados cantidad dellos/
                    Esto  que  escribí  al  embaxador  de  Portugal  que  enviase  de  allá  naos  no  ay  el
                    inconveniente que v. mg. dice de dilatárse la venida de las carabelas, antes las dará más
                    prisa por que le escriví que las naos que me avia de embiar fuesen en Málaga ocho de
                    março por que para este tiempo quería v. mag. Que el armada se hiziese a la vela, más
                    todavía le escribí a la ora lo que v. mag. Manda/ El fator del rey de Portugal me dice que
                    le escriben de alla que el armada está presta para mediado março y no antes de manera
                    que  se  puede  rrazonablemente  inegar  que  no  será  aquí  antes  del  fin  de  março,  sin
                    embarco desto si lo de aquí pudiere antes estar en horden se hará».
                       44  «Con mercaderes e puesto en platica que lleven alguna cantidad de trigo y cebada
                    a Barcelona y no se determinan a llevarlo por lo suyo porque dicen que tienen aviso que
                    vale allá barato y si esto es tampoco conviene llevallo por de v. ma., ni es necesario v-
                    mg. mandara que se me de aviso de lo que den esto de no haear que en Barcelona dicen
                    que valía a xx de enero a xvi sueldos la quarterola, que sale a cinco reales y 3 maravedís
                    la anegada». Ags, E, 30, s. f., Málaga, 25 February 1535.

                                                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Agosto 2020
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
   142   143   144   145   146   147   148   149   150   151   152