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                Fig.  3.  Anon.,  Vassalage of King Alhamar of Granada before Ferdinand III of Castile,
                Chapel of Saint Catherine, Cathedral of Burgos (mid-14th century)

                   In contrast with Iberian tradition, Charles V’s contemporary and
                rival, the French king Francis I, never met his ally the Ottoman sultan
                Süleyman  the  Magnificent.  They  communicated  indirectly  through
                agents and ambassadors perhaps to prevent the humiliating image of
                the submission of a Christian king before an “Infidel” ruler.
                   After the conquest of Granada in 1492, the Castilian tradition of
                satellite Muslim kingdoms moved to North Africa, where the kingdoms
                of  Bejaia  and  Tlemcen  (in  current  Algeria)  were  formally  under
                Castilian  protectorate  from  1510 .  The  relationship  between  the
                Spanish  Monarchy  and  the  Kingdom  of  Tunis  was  not  clearly
                established before 1534, but some records remain showing that there
                were  contacts.  For  example,  Mulay  Hassan  employed  the  Sicilian
                noble Visconte Cicala as his ambassador with the Knights of St John,
                and cooperated with them to contain Ottoman expansion .

                   11  Charles V to the Marquis of Comares, 17 January 1534, Ags, E, 28, f. 132; J.M.
                Escribano  Páez,  Negotiating  with  the  “Infidel”:  Imperial  Expansion  and  Cross-
                Confessional  Diplomacy  in  the  Early  Modern  Maghreb  (1492-1516),  «Itinerario»  40:2
                (2016), pp. 192-194, 200-203.
                   12  J.A. de Funes, Coronica de la ilustrissima milicia y sagrada religion de San Juan
                Bautista de Jerusalem..., Pedro Verges, Zaragoza, 1639, vol. II, pp. 95-97.

                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Agosto 2020
                ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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