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Infidel friends: Charles V, Mulay Hassan and the theatre of majesty   455

                    a unique event and as a precedent. Mulay was received «honourably
                    as a king», escorted by three Spanish grandees (the duke of Alba, the
                    count of Benavente and the marquis of Valle Siciliana). The arrival of
                    the  Muslim  king  was  regarded  as  a  major  spectacle  by  the  diverse
                    imperial forces, so that almost all the soldiers (excepts the sentinels)
                    crowded  around  to  witness  the  scene .  However,  the  actual  per-
                    formance was limited to a selected courtly entourage and took place
                    in the imperial pavilion. In the salutation, Charles V was bareheaded
                    and eager to show his magnanimity with the dethroned king as well
                    as his superior status. The result was a confusing scene during which
                    Mulay  tried  to  kneel  before  him  and  to  kiss  his  hand,  a  gesture
                    commonly understood as an act of submission in both Christian and
                    Muslim  cultures  –  including  the  Ottoman  el  öpmek .  However,
                    Charles V refused to receive those compliments and instead put his
                    arms around Mulay’s shoulders, nearly embracing him. Mulay then
                    kissed  Charles’s  shoulders,  a  Muslim  sign  of  homage,  while  the
                    imperial ministers feared that he would attempt to kiss Charles V’s
                    neck.  The  official  version  of  the  campaign  drafted  by  the  imperial
                    secretary Antoine Perrenin skipped this embarrassing moment, which
                    is recorded by other witnesses . Mulay seemed to feel humiliated by
                    the  Emperor’s  condescendence  and  physical  contact,  because  he
                    claimed  himself  to  be  the  Commander  of  the  Faithful  (Amir  al-
                    Mu'minin) as the representative of the last old Arab dynasty, which
                    considered Mamelukes and Ottomans as parvenus .
                       The  formal  and  polite  conversation  between  both  princes  was
                    translated  by  Alvar  Gómez  Orozco,  who  was  appointed  as  Mulay’s
                    companion and became his shadow throughout the campaign . Apart
                    from the confusion in the initial greeting, the scene was well-prepared

                       29  N. Guldin, Relato de la jornada del emperador Carlos V a Túnez, in R. González
                    Cuerva and M.A. Bunes Ibarra (eds.), Túnez 1535 cit., p. 123; P. de Sandoval, Historia
                    de la vida cit., pp. 245-247.
                       30  P.  Brummett, A Kiss is Just a Kiss: Rituals of Submission along the East-West
                    Divide,  in  M.  Birchwood,  M.  Dimmock  (eds.),  Cultural  Encounters  Between  East  and
                    West, 1453-1699, Cambridge Scholar Press, Amersham, 2005, pp. 112-114.
                       31  A. Perrenin, Goleta de la ciudad de Túnez cit., p. 80; A. de Santa Cruz, Crónica del
                    Emperador cit., p. 271; P. Girón, Crónica del emperador Carlos V, CSIC, Madrid, 1964,
                    p. 49-50.
                       32  P. Giovio, Segunda parte de la historia cit., f. 201r. For the humbling symbolism
                    of kissing shoulders to a superior in Persian tradition, P. Brummett, A Kiss is Just a
                    Kiss cit., p. 110.
                       33  A. de Santa Cruz, Crónica del Emperador cit., p. 271. Orozco was later appointed
                    governor of Bona (Annaba, Algeria). R. Gutiérrez Cruz, Crimen y corrupción en la frontera
                    africana: el alcaide Alvar Gómez de Orozco, el Zagal, in F. Toro Ceballos, J. Rodríguez
                    Molina  (eds.),  Fronteras  multiculturales.  Homenaje  a  Pedro  Martínez  Montávez,
                    Diputación de Jaén, Jaén, 2016, pp. 199-208.

                                                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Agosto 2020
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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