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448                                              Rubén González Cuerva

                indeterminate Christian-Muslim hostility motivated by the «clash of
                civilizations» .
                   That interpretation overshadowed the fact that Charles V fought as
                protector of the Hafsids, the local Muslim dynasty dethroned by the
                expansion of the Ottoman Empire led by Barbarossa. Before the battle
                against the latter’s forces, the Emperor camped in the bay of Tunis
                and  met  the  exiled  king  Mulay  Hassan  in  July  1535.  The  two
                sovereigns spent a month together bound by a formal relationship of
                friendship.  As  recent  research  has  shown,  premodern  peaceful
                relations among sovereigns, even when there was little trust between
                them, were expressed in the formal, rhetorical language of friendship
                which  did  not  imply  real,  emotional  ties .  We  can  narrate  their
                cohabitation in three acts with an epilogue.

                1  Act: The Meeting

                   This princely encounter was a bizarre episode in the early modern
                society of princes, and not just because it was a rather unprecedented
                inter-confessional  event.  Kings  did  not  frequently  meet  each  other
                because,  as  Montaigne  warned,  it  required  them  to  establish
                beforehand who the superior was . Neighbours and by turns allies and
                rivals, the French and Spanish Kings only met three times throughout
                the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries (1525-6, 1538, and 1660) .
                As  Hengerer  has  stressed,  «this  history,  too,  of  the  early  modern
                princely congress remains unwritten» . Even less frequent were the

                   3  B. Fuchs, Y.-G. Liang, A Forgotten Empire: The Spanish-North African Borderlands,
                «Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies», 12:3 (2011), p. 263.
                   4 A.  Würgler,  Freunde,  amis,  amici.  Freundschaft  in  Politik  und  Diplomatie  der
                frühneuzeitlichen Eidgenossenschaft, in K. Oschema (ed.), Freundschaft oder amitié? Ein
                politisch-soziales  Konzept  der  Vormoderne  im  zwischensprachlichen  Vergleich  (15.–17.
                Jahrhundert), Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 2007, p. 193; N. Weber,  Gute Miene zum
                bösen Spiel? Freundschaft, Kooperation und Vertrauen in den französisch-preußischen
                Beziehungen des 18. Jahrhunderts, in B. Haan, C. Kühner (eds.), Freundschaft: eine
                politisch-soziale  Beziehung  in  Deutschland  und  Frankreich,  12.–19.  Jahrhundert,
                Deutschen Historischen Instituts Paris, Paris, 2013 (
                   5  M. de Montaigne, Essais, Simon Millanges, Bourdeaus, 1580, book I, ch. 13.
                   6  M. de Foronda y Aguilera, Estancias y viajes del emperador Carlos V, S.n., S.l.,
                1914, pp. 260, 267-268, 455.
                   7  M. Hengerer, Access at the Court of the Austrian Habsburg Dynasty (Mid-Sixteenth
                to Mid-Eighteenth Century): A Highway from Presence to Politics?, in D. Raeymaekers, S.
                Derks (eds.), The key to power? The culture of access in princely courts, 1400-1750, Brill,
                Leiden, 2016, p. 146. See also N. Rubello, La présence des princes: gli incontri tra sovrani
                come momenti d'eccezione nei rapporti diplomatici tra gli Stati (XVI secolo), in E. Plebani,
                E. Valeri, P. Volpini (eds.), Diplomazie. Linguaggi, negoziati e ambasciatori fra XV e XVI
                secolo, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2018, pp. 139-160.

                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Agosto 2020
                ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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