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460                                              Rubén González Cuerva

                Fig. 7. J.C. Vermeyen, A Fantasy in Tunis: the Game of Canes, Louvre Museum, Paris
                (ca. 1535).

                   By showing his mastery in the riding style of the gineta (in which
                riders used shorter stirrups that allowed for an easier manoeuvring of
                the horse and in spear-throwing), Mulay Hassan both demonstrated
                his  aristocratic  skills,  which  compared  well  with  those  of  Spanish
                noblemen, and deeply impressed the northern European members of
                the campaign for whom it was more of a novelty . It is recorded that
                the  Tunisian  riders  engaged  with  Christian  riders  in  this  game,  as
                happened again in Naples in 1543. On that occasion, as Mulay Hassan
                began another period of exile, a game of canes was held in his honour,
                with Spanish, Italian, and Tunisian knights all participating in these
                equestrian  games.  It  can  be  hypothesized  that  the  game  of  canes
                served  as  the  expression  of  a  shared  cultural  practice  between  the
                three Mediterranean realms .

                   50  N. Guldin, Relato de la jornada cit., pp. 126-127; R. Puddu, ‘Toros y cañas’: I giochi
                equestri nella Spagna del Secolo d’Oro, «Quaderni Storici», 117:3 (2004), 807-829.
                   51  P. de Sandoval, Historia de la vida cit., p. 247; G. De Spenis, Breve cronica dai 2
                giugno 1543 a 25 maggio 1547, ed. by B. Capasso, «Archivio Storico per le provincie
                napoletane», 2 (1877), pp. 518-521. There are also later testimonies of such mock battles
                between Moors of Tlemcen and Christians of the garrison of Oran in J. Irigoyen-García,
                ‘Poco os falta para moros cit., p. 362.

                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Agosto 2020
                ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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