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Androzzi (saggi)_6  14/12/18  09:32  Pagina 582

                 582                                                   Daniele Andreozzi

                 was  a  former  employee  of  the  English  East  Indies  Company,  the
                 banking group Proli of Antwerp who was its primary sponsor, the fact
                 that its foundation in Trieste also served to evade the ban imposed by
                 the European powers on trade with Ostend. The company underwent
                 complex corporate vicissitudes and disputes between Bolts and the
                 Prolis and went into bankruptcy in 1784 . Since the mid-1750s the
                 Proli family had owned a sugar factory in Rijeka, the Adriatic’s other
                 Hapsburg free port, and a trading company - the Privileged Company
                 of Trieste and Rijeka - interested in sugar trade in Guadeloupe and the
                 Antilles .
                    Flemish  Giovanni  Ignazio  Verpoorten,  one  of  the  company’s
                 directors, founded a new company in Trieste with capital of four million
                 florins acquired in the markets of Vienna, Antwerp, Amsterdam and
                 London, too. His objective was to trade with North America and he
                 planned  to  import  sugar  from  Guadeloupe,  Carolina  and  other
                 American colonies. In 1784 he opened a branch in Marseilles and in
                 1785 in Baltimore . To this was added a new trading company with
                 North America. In August 1785 the Trieste Gazette announced that
                 Ambrogio Strohlendorf and captain George Simpson, a Scotsman with
                 experience in oceanic travel to the Americas, had joined forces with
                 Domenico Balletti, financier of a company set up to trade with Egypt,
                 and Carlo Maffei, to create a company trading in this area called the
                 Austrian-American Company, after having completed two trial voyages
                 to Philadelphia and demonstrated that direct trade with America could
                 generate considerable profits and grow in volume. The capital involved

                    34  W. Bolts, Racueil de pieces autentiques, relative aux affaires de la ci-devant Société
                 Impériale Asiatique de Trieste gerèes à Anvers, Anvers 1787; M. Wanner, William Bolts
                 and Societé Imperiale Asiatique de Trieste 1781-1785, «Prague papers on History of Inter-
                 national Relations» (2004), pp. 57 -73; B.M. Gough, R.J. King, William Bolts: An Eigh-
                 teenth  Century  Merchant  Adventurer,  «Archives:  The  Journal  of  British  Records
                 Association», 112 (2005), pp. 8-28; N.L. Hallward, William Bolts, A Dutch Adventurer
                 under  John  Company,  Cambridge  University  Press,  Cambridge  1920;  D.  Andreozzi,
                 Mediterranean Doubts cit., pp. 69-77.
                    35  Sav, Savi, 585, 22 November 1750. W. Bolts, Racueil de pieces autentiques cit., pp.
                 6-9; W. Markov, La compagnia asiatica di Trieste (1775-1785), «Studi storici», 2 (1961),
                 pp. 5- 6. In 1780 the Proli group planned to start up a new East Indian Company in Tri-
                 este with a capital of 7 million florins provided by English, France and Flemish investors
                 (Sav, Savi, 757, 8 January 1780).
                    36  Sav, Savi, 755, 22 January 1775; K.G. Zinzendorf, Europäische aufklärung zwi-
                 schen Wien und Trieste. Die Tagebücher des gouverneurs Karl Graf Zinzendorf 1776 –
                 1782, Vol. 4, edited by G. Klingenstein, E. Faber, A. Trampus, Böhlau, Wien-Köln-Wei-
                 mer, 2009, 103/2, 43, 43-44, 27 September 1777; W. Markow, La compagnia asiatica di
                 Trieste cit., pp. 5-6 and 25; A. Tamaro, Fine del Settecento a Trieste. Lettere del barone
                 P. A. Pittoni (1782-1801), «Archeografo Triestino», LIV-LV (1942-43), 26 April and 12 May

                 Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XV - Dicembre 2018     n.44
                 ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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