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Androzzi (saggi)_6  14/12/18  09:32  Pagina 583

                   ‘Segmented Trade’. Merchants, Mercantile Practices and Mercantilism  583

                   amounted to 500,000 florins subdivided into one thousand 500 florin
                   shares. The four men were to have been the firm’s directors and hold
                   at least 20 shares each. The shareholders’ meeting was scheduled to
                   take place in Trieste and 10 shares entitled shareholders to vote with
                   a  maximum  of  20  votes  per  participant  and  the  potential  for
                   shareholders to join forces to gain the right to take part in the meeting.
                   Non Trieste resident shareholders could appoint a representative but
                   the person chosen could not be directly or indirectly involved in trade
                   with the Americas. The duration of the company was fixed at 15 years
                   which could be renewed by the assembly and shares could be sold or
                   exchanged directly during this time. To safeguard shareholders, the
                   directors could not trade independently with the Americas and, if they
                   resigned from the firm, they could not take part in such trade for three
                   years. Directors were assigned 2% of the total value of all voyages
                   undertaken, a sum which was to have been spilt up into equal parts.
                   Every year, starting from the second as a result of the length of the
                   journey,  a  balance  sheet  was  to  be  completed  and  profits,  minus
                   expenses,  were  to  be  divided  up  equally  between  shareholders.
                   Simpson was entrusted with material management of trade and, to this
                   purpose, he to leave shortly for the American markets .
                      In the wake of changes following on from renewed peace, all three
                   companies failed from 1785 to 1787 . In these years, however, the
                   involvement of the Trieste mercantile classes in the Atlantic did not
                   diminish thanks to the new technical tools available and changes in
                   the economy. In fact they were involved in financial markets and, via
                   these, in international trade thanks to the role played by trading and
                   seafaring companies’ shareholders and financiers in global circuits and
                   also thanks to their growing role in maritime insurance . The gazettes
                   which circulated in the city supplied information relating to money and
                   share values, trends in the world’s main stock exchanges, investment
                   options, goods’ prices, harvest and production trends, weather and
                   geopolitical events, shipwrecks and the arrival of the most important
                   ships at the various geographical areas. Information was not simply a

                      37  Sav, Savi, I s., 759, 3 and 11 August 1785; Inquisitori, 181, 23 August 1785, Gaz-
                   zetta di Trieste, «Prospetto di una nuova compagnia di commercio per l’America setten-
                   trionale». Sav, Savi, I, 759, 3 August 1785 e 26 February 1786. ASV, Inquisitori, 518, 7
                   May 1786.
                      38  Sav, Savi, I s., 759, I, 4 November 1786 and 28 July 1787.
                      39  For example, Trieste shareholders invested in the Imperial East Indian Company
                   shipping between China, India and North America (R.J. King, Heinrich Zimmermann and
                   the Proposed Voyage of the Imperial and Royall Ship Cobenzell to the north West Coast in
                   1782-83, «The norther mariner/le marin du nord» XXI (2011), pp. 248-262).

                   n.44                         Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XV - Dicembre 2018
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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