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                 586                                                   Daniele Andreozzi

                 from Holland. Herrings, tar, fish gelatin and lead from Sweden. Cocoa
                 from Maracaibo, Martinique, Suriname; sugar from Martinique, Santo
                 Domingo, Havana and Lisbon. Then aloe from Barbados, balsam from
                 Peru, cinnamon from Lisbon, beaver from Canada, wood and buffalo
                 skins from Brazil, vanilla from Santo Domingo and Guatemala, indigo
                 from Florida and Jamaica. Trade mechanisms were also made more
                 complex  by  the  fact  that  similar  goods  with  different  prices  and
                 characteristics also came in from the Mediterranean and the East. For
                 example, coffee also came to Trieste from Alexandria and Moka, beaver
                 from Russia, paper from Venice, cheese from Italy and Hungary, white
                 lead from Genoa and Venice and alum from Istria .
                    Then,  in  the  course  of  the  19th  century,  the  advent  of  steam
                 navigation  modified  this  picture  and  also  profoundly  changed  the
                 Trieste-Atlantic relationship.

                    44  Ivi, pp. 349-356.

                 Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XV - Dicembre 2018     n.44
                 ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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