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It is (not only) the will of god»: the king-doms of Cyprus and Cilician Armenia...  153

                    snapshot of political  possibilities and motivations in  the midst  of a
                    very changeable political landscape.  It identifies a  pattern that was
                    simultaneously widespread in the Eastern Mediterranean in the late
                    twelfth century but also particular to it.

                    Sources and Historiography

                       The  primary  documents  regarding  late-twelfth-  and  early-thir-
                    teenth-century  Cyprus  are  predominantly  papal  correspondence,
                    other  letters,  and  chronicles.  However,  although  the  primary  evi-
                    dence for the involvement of the island in Crusading activity in sub-
                    sequent centuries is relatively significant, fewer surviving documents
                    relate to the early Lusignan period in Cyprus . Likewise, in Cilician
                    Armenia,  the late  twelfth  century  is  poorly  served.  The  scarcity  of
                    documents is perhaps the outcome of the colonial structure of Cy-
                    prus and the multifaceted political history of the Latin East; histori-
                    cal documents will have been vulnerable to loss in times of crises or
                    drastic changes. The archives of the kingdom and those of the mili-
                    tary orders have either been lost due to the island's beleaguered past
                    or are rather insubstantial. Moreover, the Genoese (1373), the Mam-
                    luk  (1426),  and  the  Ottoman  (1571)  invasions,  in  addition  to  the
                    «Trial of the Templars», which eventually led to the dissolution of the
                    Order  in  1313,  also  caused  the  destruction  of  archival  evidence.
                    Therefore, studies of the Latin East, especially those concerning Cy-
                    prus and Cilician Armenia, usually rely on archives external to the
                    regions  of  study,  which  differ  from  region  to  region .  Materials

                       5  For a selection of primary sources as collections, see Rrh, which is composed of
                    formal documents, letters, and charters produced between 1097 and 1291 in the King-
                    dom of Jerusalem, Cyprus, Armenia and the principalities of the Latin East, holds a
                    significant place as a widely available and far-reaching compendium of the source ma-
                    terial. Another important collection of primary documents, composed in the nineteenth
                    century, of several documents regarding the Latin East and the Crusades, is Rhc. This
                    collection includes documents from Western European, Greek and the Armenian writ-
                    ers. Rhc is a collection of five series (See «Abbreviations»). Another significant work spe-
                    cifically regarding the documents related to the Lusignans is Louis Mas Latrie’s Histoire
                    de  l’ile  de  Chypre sous le regne des princes  de  la maison  de  Lusignan,  which  brings
                    together a wide range of sources, as well as providing important synthesis. L. Mas Latrie,
                    Histoire de l’île de Chypre sous le règne des princes de la maison de Lusignan, 3 vols.,
                    Imprimerie impériale, Paris, 1852–1861.
                       6  For Armenian documentary evidence in Vatican archives, see J. S. Arlen, Armenian
                    Manuscripts in the Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana, «Manuscripta», 62-1 (2018), pp. 1-
                    32, especially pp. 9, 14-15, 18-21. For the dissolution of the Templars, see N. Coureas,
                    Fluctuating Territoriality: The Military Orders and The Crown of Cyprus: 1191-1313, in
                    M-A  Chevalier,  (ed.),  Ordres  Militaires  et  Territorialité  au  Moyen  Âge:  entre  Orient  et

                                                 Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XIX - Aprile 2022
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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