Page 191 - Mediterranea-ricerche storiche, n. 48, aprile 2020flip
P. 191

To contain and control: work organization and poor government in the...   191

                       Differently  from  coeval  cases,  as  private  manufacturers  or
                    workshops, the accountability of work is not focused on the quantity
                    of produced items but rather on the time worked. Productivity of work
                    or  quantity  produced  is  a  typical  profit-oriented  measurement.  The
                    governmentality frame could explain how the accounting of workers is
                    a  specific  tool  to  control  people  and  their  space  of  movement
                    independently from the discourse of the institution .
                       The  workers  were  differentiated  by  role  in  order  to  implement
                    control over a single production stage that represented a specific space
                    and time within the factory . Furthermore, the work was organised
                    on the basis of a few statements that regulated the basic functions of
                    hospice and its inmates, as reported by the following table 10.

                       Table 10. Synopsis of Real Opificio delle Sete regulations (1790)
                      Type of rule    Brief description of rule
                      Social          Every hosted orphan is subject to the rector of Real
                                      Albergo dei Poveri
                      Social          Every  hosted  orphan  girl  must  go  out  only  in
                                      company  with  a  next  of  kin  well  known  to  the
                      Social          Must pray together every evening
                      Social          Must attend a service every Sunday and holidays
                      Social          Must confess every first Sunday of the month
                      Industrial      The  work  of  the  silk  factory  is  organised  by  the
                                      factory manager
                      Industrial      All warehouses and production plants will be closed
                                      from 4.00 am to dawn
                      Industrial      The factory manager will reward the best worker
                    Source: Asp, Rsi, f. 5271.

                       The  regulations  were  especially  directed  on  everyday  life  of  the
                    inmates of the Real Albergo, still considering religion and spirituality
                    to control their social behaviour. On the other hand, tight control on
                    the external life was conducted by means of the limited possibilities of

                       51  J.B. Baños Sánchez-Matamoros, F. Gutiérrez, E.C. Álvarez-Dardet, F.F. Carrasco,
                    Govern(mentality) and Accounting: The Influence of Different Enlightenment Discourses in
                    Two Spanish Cases (1761–1777), «Abacus», vol. 41, n. 2, 2005, pp. 181-210.
                       52  R. Rossi, Poor government and work organisation in the Real Albergo dei poveri of
                    Palermo cit., p. 61.

                                                 Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Aprile 2020
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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