Page 193 - Mediterranea-ricerche storiche, n. 48, aprile 2020flip
P. 193

To contain and control: work organization and poor government in the...   193

                                Female workers
                         1      President                               96
                         1      Portera                                 72
                         4      Atoleras  (who  makes  atole,           72
                                a corn beverage)
                         3      Laundress                               48
                         2      Catechism instructors                   48
                         2      Patio supervisors                       48
                         2      Refectoleras (meals server)             48
                         1      Nurse                                   72
                         3      Nurse’s assistant                       36
                         1      Cook                                    72
                         3      Cook’s assistant                        36

                                Male workers                   Daily wage (in reales)
                         2      Carpenters                               4
                         2      Masons                                   4
                         2      Peons                                    3
                        49      Total employed
                    Source: S.M. Arrom, Containing the poor. The Mexico City Poor House cit., p. 95.

                       Table  11  shows  the  number  and  salary  of  the  inmates  used  for
                    activities within the Poor House. The total of 49 employed persons is
                    far below the average number of inmates that was around 651 units
                    in the period 1774-1803 . For this reason, the internal activities alone
                    were not enough to employ all and this resulted in an evident lack of
                    one of the fundamental pillars of the rehabilitative and control system
                    constituted by the Poor House. Shortly after the establishment of the
                    institute,  the  Junta  of  Hospicio  de  Pobres  posed  the  problem  of
                    increasing  work  activities  trying  to  absorb  a  greater  quantity  of
                    inmates .

                       56   Agn,  Historia,  vol.  44,  Estado  del  Real  Hospicio  de  Pobres  de  Mexico  en  31  de
                    diciembre de 1803.
                       57  Agn, Bandos, vol. 22, Prospecto de la nueva forma de gobierno político y económico
                    del Hospicio de Pobres de esta capital, 1806.

                                                 Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Aprile 2020
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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