Page 205 - Mediterranea-ricerche storiche, n. 48, aprile 2020flip
P. 205

Working in and for charity institutions: patterns of employment and actors   205

                    Moreover these institutions required their inmates to perform some
                    kind  of  paid  and/or  unpaid  work  and  contribute  therefore  to  the
                    support  of  the  institution  itself,  everyone  according  to  his/her
                    capacity,  ability,  age  and  physical  strength.  As  specified  in  its
                    regulation, the aim of these activities were twofold: to ‘facilitate the
                    support of the inmates with the product of their work and train them
                    in  earning  their  livelihoods  when  they  left  the  institution’ .  At  the
                    Ospedale di Carità no one was excluded from this commitment, and
                    even partially disabled individuals were expected to perform some kind
                    of  work.  In  this  perspective,  as  suggested  also  by  Angela  Groppi’s
                    research on the Ospizio Apostolico of Rome, the work of the poor had
                    a further meaning: charity relief was not given as a free and unconditional
                    present  but  it  entailed  duties,  and  especially  the  obligation  for  the
                    beneficiaries to contribute to the economy of the institution which hosted
                    them, according to their physical possibilities .
                       The  crucial  role  acquired  by  the  enhanced  ideology  of  work
                    affected also the way in which the Piedmontese charity institutions
                    were funded: they no longer appealed to traditional private charity,
                    receiving  instead  consistent  funds  from  the  state  ‘as  enterprises
                    devoted  to  the  public  good’,  since  they  aimed  to  find  solutions  ‘to
                    social  problems  such  as  unemployment,  public  order,  juvenile
                    delinquency and prostitution’ . In the same perspective, as it will be
                    clear in the last section of this article, during the eighteenth century
                    a growing number of economic and fiscal privileges were granted by
                    the authorities to these institutions, and especially to their economic
                    activities, as well as to the entrepreneurs, artisans and merchants
                    who were directly involved in them. Furthermore, the idea that the
                    work  of  the  poor  was  a  way  to  cope  with  social  and  economic
                    problems and that it could be channeled towards the achievement of
                    the  public  good  gained  popularity  among  the  kingdom’s  charity
                    institutions, as testified by the numerous textile manufactures that
                    were renewed or set up from the middle of the eighteenth century in
                    mid-to-small  towns  of  Piedmont  and  Savoy  (i.e.  Mondovi,  Asti,
                    Savigliano, Racconigi, Nice, Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne etc..). Some of
                    them received special economic support by the central power or were

                       14  F. A. Duboin, Raccolta per ordine di materie delle leggi, cioè patenti, manifesti ecc..
                    pubblicate sino all’8 dicembre 1789 sotto il felicissimo dominio della Real Casa di Savoia
                    (…) Torino, Marcio Tip., 1818-1869, tomo 12, vol. 14, libro 7, Arti introdotte nell'Ospedale
                    della Carità, pp. 250-251.
                       15  Contrary  to  what  happened  for  the  Turinese  Ospedale  di  Carità,  the  Roman
                    institution required also to inherit the majority of the goods and assets belonging to the
                    inmates. A. Groppi, Il welfare prima del welfare cit.
                       16  S. Cavallo, Charity and power, cit. p. 227.

                                                 Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Aprile 2020
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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