Page 203 - Mediterranea-ricerche storiche, n. 48, aprile 2020flip
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Working in and for charity institutions: patterns of employment and actors   203

                    protection of the duke since 1580. The aim the Albergo was to ‘receive
                    youths (garzoni) that spent their days in contrade playing and dealing
                    in  dissolute  activities’  by  providing  them  with  means  to  train
                    ‘virtuously in industrious occupations in the crafts, in order to flee
                    idleness, the root of all ills’ . Since the middle of the sixteenth century
                    special attention was paid also to the protection and control of women
                    in economic and moral distress. It is precisely during this period that
                    the Monastero delle Povere Orfanelle was established with the aim to
                    host  young  orphaned  girls  from  the  middle  classes  (artisans  and
                    merchants). Other institutions were founded in those years: in 1589
                    the Compagnia di San Paolo set up the Casa del Soccorso, in 1683 the
                    Deposito and in 1750 the Casa delle Forzate, with the aim to enclose
                    girls and women whose behaviour placed them in danger or ‘for women
                    who were considered to have exposed their families to scandal’ . The
                    Ospedale di Carità was undoubtedly one of the most popular charity
                    institutions  in  Turin.  Founded  in  1649,  by  the  Compagnia  di  San
                    Paolo, the sovereign, and a group of the municipality’s elite, its raison
                    d’être  was  supposedly  to  prevent  mendicancy  and  the  presence  of
                    infirm vagrants. Nonetheless, right from the start, its policy consisted
                    mainly in providing relief to a great range of people in dire economic
                    straits. Orphans, abandoned children, foundlings, unmarried women
                    and men constituted important categories traditionally helped by the
                    Ospedale: from 1762 to 1798 children alone accounted for about 20
                    per cent of the applicants. Data also shows the relevance of families
                    with  infants:  38  per  cent  of  applicants  (more  than  one  third)  were
                    couples and over 72 per cent of them had at least one baby or a very
                    young child. On the other hand, widows accounted for 20 per cent and
                    one third of them had small children. As for the nature of the relief, ill
                    and elderly people, paupers, the destitute and orphans were housed
                    in the institution itself, while families in hardship received relief at
                    their homes (namely, rations of bread), and their babies were cared for
                    by  wet  nurses  paid  by  the  hospital.  Of  course,  family  members

                       10  T. P. Posani Il Regio Albergo di Virtù di Torino (…) Brevi cenni storico-statistici, Tip.
                    Angelo Locatelli, Torino, 1884, pp. 5-7.
                       11  S. Cavallo, Charity and power cit., p. 226; on the Monastero delle Orfanelle see:
                    M. Maritano, Sole sotto lo stesso tetto. Il monastero delle povere orfanelle di Torino nel
                    Settecento, Tesi di Laurea, rel. Prof. L. Allegra, Università degli Studi di Torino, Facoltà
                    di Lettere, aa. 1999/2000; on the three institutions founded by the Compagnia di San
                    Paolo: M. Maritano, Le Case del Soccorso, del Deposito e delle Forzate dalla fondazione
                    alla Rivoluzione Francese, in A. Cantaluppi, W. Crivellin, B. Signorelli (eds.), Le figlie
                    della Compagnia, cit., pp. 51-61. For the charity system in Piedmont in the first half of
                    the nineteenth century see: F. Plataroti, L’albero della povertà. L’assistenza nella Torino
                    napoleonica, Carocci, Roma, 2000; U. Levra, L’altro volto di Torino risorgimentale: 1814-
                    1848, Istituto per la storia del Risorgimento italiano. Comitato di Torino, Torino, 1989.

                                                 Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Aprile 2020
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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