Page 206 - Mediterranea-ricerche storiche, n. 48, aprile 2020flip
P. 206

206                                            Beatrice Zucca Micheletto

                granted  economic  privileges.  In  November  1770,  for  example,  the
                cloth  manufacture  implanted  at  the  Ospedale  di  Carità  of  Nice
                received an annual rent while in 1771 and 1774 the entrepreneur
                Bonafous,  and  afterwards  the  notary  Bertrand,  were  granted  a
                monopoly for managing the carding and spinning manufacture of the
                Ospedale di Carità established in the community of Saint-Jean-de-
                Maurienne .

                Jobs and economic activities performed by the inmates

                   An in-depth analysis of the documentation has evidenced the range
                of jobs and activities performed in the charity institutions. The inquiry
                reveals three patterns that will be analysed in this and in the ensuing
                sections : 1) the majority of the institutions hosted within their walls
                workshops and shops run by external artisans who, in exchange for
                favourable conditions, were required to employ internal labour force,
                in addition to some external workers; in some cases, the workshops
                were located outside the walls and the inmates (always males) were
                allowed to go outside the premises during working hours; 2) two of the
                most important Turinese institutions, namely the Ospedale di Carità
                and the Albergo di Virtù hosted wool manufactures. In this case the
                labour  force  was  composed  by  external  workers  and  inmates;  3)  in
                addition to this, a range of jobs and activities (from service to clerical
                work)  were  performed  to  ensure  the  ordinary  maintenance  of  the
                institution and to cater for the needs of the hosts.
                   The  city’s  oldest  hospital,  the  Ospedale  di  San  Giovanni,  which
                received abandoned babies, required that once the children were old
                enough they had to be trained and employed. Girls and (a few) boys
                worked in the silk workshop within the hospital, while other boys were
                placed in external workshops. Both the Ospedale di Carità and the
                Albergo di Virtù followed similar policies. At the Ospedale, many of the
                children who were placed in apprenticeship came from families in dire
                financial  straits,  and  they  were  usually  admitted  temporarily  when
                reached about seven years of age, to relieve their families. In 1664-65,
                the Ospedale established a ribbon-making workshop, and in 1767-68
                it  added  workshops  producing  shoes,  bonnets  and  woollens.  The
                Albergo  admitted  children  aged  11  to  15  who  were  sponsored  by  a
                guarantor, usually a court member or royal artisan. In 1721, it hosted

                   17  F. A. Duboin, Raccolta cit., tomo 12, vol. 14, libro 7, Regio biglietto (…) all’ospedale
                di carità di Nizza, per sostegno della sua manifattura, p. 225; Ibidem, Lettres-patentes
                du Roi (…) de la maison de charité de Saint-Jean de Maurienne, pp. 238-239.

                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Aprile 2020
                ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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