Page 202 - Mediterranea-ricerche storiche, n. 48, aprile 2020flip
P. 202

202                                            Beatrice Zucca Micheletto

                   This latter is also the point of view adopted by the present article
                that focuses on preindustrial charity institutions in Savoy-Piedmont
                State. It is certainly true that workhouses exploited their inmates’
                work, and treated them ambiguously. However, this article suggests
                that an in-depth analysis of the individuals that, in different ways,
                were involved in the working system of these institutions, the nature
                of  the  work  they  were  required  to  perform  and  the  social  and
                economic ties that bonded them with their peers and families and
                with other institutions can nuance this assessment and bring to light
                a  more  complex  situation.  Indeed,  the  majority  of  the  charity
                institutions here considered emphasized the fact that poor should be
                trained so as to gain some kind of skill and enter the labour market
                as  soon  as  possible.  Although  with  important  differences  between
                girls and boys, and among institutions, a temporary stay at a charity
                could be an occasion for children to learn a job and even join the
                guilds at a favourable condition. At the same time, this system was
                profitable  also  for  artisans  and  entrepreneurs  enlisted  by  the
                institutions  for  organizing  work  and  training  the  poor,  since  it
                endowed them and their families with economic privileges and social
                prestige.  By  focusing  on  the  economic  actors  involved  in  these
                charities as well as on the range of economic activities performed,
                this article improves our understanding of the work of the poor and
                shows its multi-layered features and multiple consequences on the
                life of the inmates.

                The multiple meanings of work performed by poor

                   One of the oldest charity institutions in Turin was the Ospedale di
                San Giovanni, established and managed by the municipality, which
                received, and took care of abandoned children and orphans . Another
                Turinese  charity  institution  was  the  Albergo  di  Virtù,  founded
                originally  by  the  Compagnia  di  San  Paolo  and  placed  under  the

                (2005), pp. 409-441 ; M. Martinat, Travail et apprentissage des femmes à Lyon au XVIII e
                siècle, «Mélanges de l'École Française de Rome, Italie et Méditerranée MEFRIM», 123, 1
                (2011),  pp.  11-24;  R.  Schalk,  From  orphan  to  artisan :  apprenticeship  careers  and
                contract  enforcement  in  The  Netherlands  before  and  after  the  guild  abolition,  «The
                Economic  History  Review»,  70,  3  (2017).  On  the  versatility  of  apprenticeship  see:  P.
                Wallis,  Apprenticeship  and  training  in  premodern  England,  «Journal  of  Economic
                History», 68, 3 (2008), pp. 832-861; B. Zucca Micheletto, A large “umbrella”. Patterns of
                apprenticeship in eighteenth-century Turin, in M. Prak, P. Wallis, (eds.), Apprenticeship
                in Early Modern Europe, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2019, pp. 78-105.
                   9  S. Cavallo, Charity and Power cit.

                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Aprile 2020
                ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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