Page 210 - Mediterranea-ricerche storiche, n. 48, aprile 2020flip
P. 210

210                                            Beatrice Zucca Micheletto

                protests,  two  royal  decrees  dated  1758  established  that  children
                trained as silk sock-makers in the Ospedale had to be admitted as
                guild masters after four years as apprentices and a shorter period as
                journeymen  (two  years  instead  of  the  three  years  required  by  the
                guild), and without the usual charges (3 lire for apprentices and 4 lire
                for journeymen). Similarly, shoemakers trained at the institution had
                to work for only three years as journeymen (instead of four) and were
                exempt from paying the apprentices and journeymen fees (of 2 and 4
                lire) and from the mastery fee (equal to 40 lire after the presenting the
                chef-d’oeuvre  and  8  lire  for  the  syndic  of  the  guild) .  Comparable
                privileges  were  granted  to  children  trained  in  silk  weaving  at  the
                Albergo  di  Virtù:  according  to  the  guild’s  1738  statutes,  former
                apprentices of the Albergo, or men who married girls trained there,
                were exempt from the 50 lire fee charged to new masters. In 1753, all
                former apprentices of the Albergo, irrespective of trade, were exempted
                from guild fees and given the right to enter as journeyman . Children
                could  therefore  enjoy  concrete  advantages  from  their  stay  in  the
                institution: some kind of training, and the access to the local guilds at
                favorable conditions. The case of Maria Maddalena Cerato, a young
                widow and mother of two children, formerly a servant but described in
                our sources as a ‘beggar’ is representative. In July 1772 her elder son,
                Carlo Giuseppe, aged 7 years old entered the Ospedale di Carità and
                started an apprenticeship which allowed him to leave the institution
                when he reached 15 years of age with a permission for ‘working as a
                silk weaver in the workshop of the widow Gattié’ . A similar pattern
                concerns  Carlo  Domenico  Ollivero,  journeyman  shoemaker  and
                absent from the city, and his wife Lucia, who worked in the silk sector.
                His  eldest  son,  aged  12  entered  the  Ospedale  di  Carità  in  January
                1779 and stayed there until 1784 when he obtained an authorization
                to work with the master locksmith Morizio Ferrero. The second child
                of the couple entered the institution in 1781, aged 11, and left it six
                years later in order to join the workshop of wig-maker Osio .
                   This  pattern  has  been  detected  also  for  girls.  Giacinta  Maria
                Monelli,  for  example,  spent  eight  years  at  the  Opera  delle  figlie  dei

                   30  Asct, Ospedale di Carità, cat. XI, fasc. 3 ; F. A. Duboin, Raccolta cit., tomo 16, vol.
                18, libro 9, Regie patenti (…) a favore de' giovani ricoverati nell'Ospedale di Carità di
                Torino che apprendono ivi l'arte di calzettajo, p. 893.
                   31  F. A. Duboin, Raccolta cit., tomo 16, vol. 18, libro 9, Memoriale a capi dell'Uni-
                versità de' mastri mercanti fabbricatori di stoffe d'oro, d'argento, e seta (…), pp. 322-326;
                Ibid., tomo 13, vol. 15, libro 7, Regie patenti (…) a favore de’ giovani che ne fanno il
                tirocinio nell’Albergo di Virtù di Torino, pp. 215-216.
                   32  Asct, Ospedale di Carità, cat. VI, Libri delle informazioni per ricoveri, vol. 40, f. 526.
                   33  Ibid., vol. 38, f. 21.

                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Aprile 2020
                ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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