Page 219 - Mediterranea-ricerche storiche, n. 48, aprile 2020flip
P. 219

Working in and for charity institutions: patterns of employment and actors   219

                    set up new manufacturing activities and business. In other cases, the
                    key  role  played  by  the  central  power  is  even  more  explicit:  in
                    September  1731,  the  board  of  directors  of  the  congregazione  della
                    carità of the city of Chieri, petitioned the king in order to set up a
                    textile  factory  to  employ  its  poor  inmates.  Significantly,  the
                    congregazione obtained the privilege, but it did not provide the master.
                    Instead, they explicitly asked to the Consolato di Commercio to appoint
                    ‘un buon mastro nell'arte suddetta’ (an expert master in the craft) .
                    In  sum,  despite  the  great  variety  of  patterns,  entrepreneurs,
                    merchants  and  artisans  working  for  the  charity  institutions  were
                    embedded in the local social networks and were linked to the higher
                    authorities and institutions.
                       In the last part of my article I will deal with the case of the already
                    cited  wool  cloth  manufacturer  from  Antwerp,  Cornelio  Wanderkrik,
                    whose  professional  and  personal  life  in  the  city  shows  that  the
                    opportunity to manage a business within the charity institutions was
                    a key to integration. The sources reveal that Cornelio arrived in Turin
                    following  the  invitation  by  virtue  of  the  royal  edict  of  April  1701.
                    Although a foreigner (he clearly was not a subject of the king), he was
                    able to establish a wool manufactory at the Ospedale di Carità, where
                    inmates were employed to spin wool thread to be woven into cloth.
                       In  July  1720,  after  almost  two  decades  of  activity  in  the  Pied-
                    montese city, he was granted several economic and symbolic privileges
                    which allowed him to expand his business. In his petition Cornelio
                    explained that, alongside woollens, he was able to introduce in the
                    duchy  of  Savoy  the  production  of  a  specific  kind  of  good-quality
                    blankets (wool covers). In his words, these ‘commodities and goods
                    have never been produced before in  the country’. So he asked and
                    obtained  from  the  king  the  right  to  supply  the  army  with  clothes
                    produced  in  his  mill  for  the  next  three  years,  while  committing  to
                    employ  all  the  poor  people  of  the  Ospedale,  resorting  to  external
                    workers  only  if  the  labour  force  provided  by  the  institution  was
                    insufficient. In addition, Cornelio obtained a large loan (10,000 lire),
                    the  right  to  build  a  follone  (a  fulling  mill)  near  a  channel,  and  an
                    additional  sum  of  2500  lire  necessary  for  its  construction.  He  also
                    obtained  the  right  to  use  the  tools  belonging  to  the  Ospedale  for
                    spinning and weaving wool as well as fiscal and custom exemptions
                    for selling his cloths in all the state .

                       52   F.  A.  Duboin,  Raccolta  cit.,  tomo  16,  vol.  18,  libro  9,  Memoriale  a  capi  della
                    congregazione di carità (…), pp. 855-857.
                       53  Ast, sez. riun., Ufficio di finanze, Regi Biglietti poi Patenti, vol. 2, ff. 11v-13r.

                                                 Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Aprile 2020
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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