Page 215 - Mediterranea-ricerche storiche, n. 48, aprile 2020flip
P. 215

Working in and for charity institutions: patterns of employment and actors   215

                    the more ‘veteran’ inmates could remain at the charity and train other
                    boys and girls. Such was the case of Gio Andrea Vacca who, in May
                    1758, having obtained his mastery as silk weaver at the Albergo di
                    Virtù,  made  successful  request  to  the  board  office  to  be  appointed
                    internal master weaver in velvet and brocade. Vacca was assigned 3
                    boys as apprentices and had to pay the Albergo 5 lire for each one of
                    them .
                       At the Soccorso, Deposito and Forzate the inmates were supervised
                    by  the  ‘Madri’  (lit.  ‘mothers’)  who  lived  in  the  institutions;  for  this
                    reason, the task was always assigned to widows or unmarried women,
                    almost all between thirty and forty years of age. The Madre could rely
                    on  the  support  of  a  so-called  ‘sottomadre’  (lit.  sub-mother)  at  the
                    Soccorso, and of a ‘governante’ (governess) at the Deposito and Forzate.
                    In addition, girls were educated by the ‘maestre’ (teachers/mistresses)
                    charged  with  both  imparting  practical  training  and  teaching  basic
                    grammar: since the seventeenth and until the nineteenth century these
                    ‘maestre’ were recruited among the most skilled and capable veteran
                    inmates, who, for several reasons, were unable to leave the institution.
                    On the same premises there were also one or more servants, a physician
                    and a surgeon, and at the Deposito and Forzate a porter who was often
                    sent on errands outside the institution’s walls .

                    Artisans and entrepreneurs between profit and paternalism

                       As previously explained, since the seventeenth century, and at least
                    until the nineteenth century, the most important charity institutions
                    in  Piedmont  and  Savoy  housed  big  textile  factories  and  craft
                    workshops which were rented out to entrepreneurs, merchants and
                    artisans, who in turn, were expected to organize work, employ external
                    workers,  and  apprentices  alongside  inmates  and  children,  train
                    children in the crafts and supply commodities to both almshouses and
                    private customers. Despite the key role played by these entrepreneurs
                    and artisans, scholars have seldom taken into account their personal
                    lives,  focusing  mostly  on  individuals  receiving  relief  or  else  on
                    benefactors. In this last section of the article, therefore, I will explore
                    the profile of some of these artisans, merchants and entrepreneurs
                    through a micro-analytical and biographical approach. I will recon-
                    struct the essential points of their biography and professional paths
                    while focusing on their social, political and family background. This

                       44  Ast, sez. riun., Albergo di Virtù, Registro degli ordinati, vol. 54, ff. nn.
                       45  M. Maritano, Le Case del Soccorso, cit., pp. 140-144.

                                                 Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Aprile 2020
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
   210   211   212   213   214   215   216   217   218   219   220