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432                                         María José Rodríguez-Salgado

                Tunis, which was expected to fall easily. That was the last trustworthy
                news for several days . On 17 August, thanks to information from the
                Venetian ambassador and sources in Naples, the French court had
                solid information of events in Tunis up to 6 August, including the fall
                of the city, Barbarossa’s escape and the emperor’s imminent departure
                for  Sicily.  The  king  shared  the  information  with  Mary  of  Hungary
                and  Leonor  in  Cambrai;  Leonor  immediately  ordered  a  service  of
                thanksgiving .
                   By the time that Francis I received the emperor’s letter officially
                informing him of the «defeat of Barbarossa» and the taking of Tunis,
                he  had  been  given  enough  time  to  consider  how  best  to  respond.
                Charles V wrote that he was confident Francis I would be delighted
                with the good news, not least because of the benefit to Christendom
                and  the  20,000  captives  who  had  been  released .  The  imperial
                ambassador, Hannart, confirmed that the «glorious victory at Tunis
                had been received with the utmost joy» and that Francis I declared
                Charles V the greatest of all Christian conquerors over infidels, adding
                that if he wished to continue, they needed to make a closer alliance .
                The French ambassador in England complained that the emperor had
                not  asked  Francis  I  to  accompany  him  to  Tunis .  Carpi  wrote,
                unhelpfully,  that  the  news  would  have  «the  impact  that  could  be
                expected» on the French . Ferdinand I thought it would lead to a firm
                peace . As did Hannart, much to the alarm of Pio di Carpi who feared
                it obviated the need for Paul III to mediate and would deprive him of
                the opportunity to lead the next campaign against the Infidel . Mary
                of Hungary was not so certain. She thought the victory had helped
                restrain  and  frighten  the  French,  but  only  because  they  had  not
                succeeded in getting allies. Francis I’s ambitions in Italy had not been
                dented, and he would pursue them whatever it cost. At best he might

                   79  Du Bellay, II, p. 33, Francis I to Du Bellay, 15 August 1535, mentions Vély’s letter
                and the lack of news thereafter. Carpi only mentioned receipt of Pate’s letters; the king
                may have kept Vély’s report secret. Ang, Carpi, p. 60, Carpi to Ricalcato, 7 August 1535.
                   80  Archives Generales du Royaume, Brussels, Audience, 48, ff. 137r-142v, Mary of
                Hungary to Charles V, Brussels, 31 August 1535. The meeting took place between 16
                and 19 August.
                   81  PEG, II, pp. 361-362, Charles V to Francis I, 23 July 1535.
                   82  Csp Sp, 5(1), n. 202, Hannart to the empress Isabel, 6 September 1535.
                   83  LP, ix, n. 58, Chapuys to Charles V, 10 August 1535.
                   84  Ang, Carpi, 60, Carpi to Ricalcato, 7 August 1535.
                   85  KFI, V, p. 298, Ferdinand I to Mary of Hungary, 24 August 1535: «J’espere que les
                bonnes nouvelles de Tunèz viendront à cestuy afere fort à propos. Je prie le Createur
                que viegne à quelque bonne conclusion».
                   86  Ang, Carpi, pp. 69-73 this at p. 72, Carpi to Ricalcato, 26 September 1535.

                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Agosto 2020
                ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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