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«No great glory in chasing a pirate». The manipulation of news during the 1535   431

                    ambassador in Rome. The courier also brought packets of correspon-
                    dence  from  other  ambassadors  and  individuals  in  Tunis  for  their
                    patrons and friends in Rome and beyond, but Cifuentes refused to
                    release these until he had an audience with the pope and delivered
                    fresh  details  directly  from  Charles  V.  This  was  usual  practice  as  it
                    enabled the ambassadors to put their own spin on the information
                    before sovereigns had access to the accounts of their envoys. Raince
                    accused him of exaggerating for effect during the audience and in the
                    triumphalist account he subjected Raince to when he came to pick up
                    the dispatch that Vély and Baugé had sent for the French authorities .

                    Francis I’s response to Charles V’s victories in Tunis

                       On July 10 the French court was in a state of anxiety because they
                    had no idea of Charles V’s whereabouts; five days later they knew he
                    had  arrived  in  Africa.  A  courier  on  his  way  from  Spain  to  the  Low
                    Countries claimed that the emperor had won a victory and destroyed
                    part  of  the  Muslim  fleet,  putting  Barbarossa  to  flight.  Few  believed
                    him . By 26 July Francis I was overwhelmed with news from all sides
                    but as «no two reports about the emperor and his forces have ever
                    been the same» he had no idea what was happening . News of the
                    taking of La Goleta and fall of Tunis quickly spread from Naples to
                    Rome on 28 July and from there to other parts . The pope refused to
                    believe it until confirmation arrived from his nuncio in Tunis, or the
                    commander of the papal galleys there, the count of Anguillara . This
                    was normal practice, but often such delay was a tactic to gain time to
                    consider  the  implications  and  decide  the  best  way  to  react.  The
                    imperial ambassador in Venice communicated the «splendid victory»
                    to the Doge on 9 August on the basis of unnamed correspondents from
                    Sicily . The French court had reliable first-hand accounts by then. A
                    report from Vély dated 15 July probably arrived on or before 7 August
                    with  Richard  Pate’s  dispatch  describing  the  conquest  of  La  Goleta,
                    Barbarossa’s escape with part of the fleet, and the emperor’s march to

                       73  Ivi, p. 272.
                       74  Ang, Carpi, p. 50, Carpi to Ricalcato, 10 July 1535; p. 53, (15 July), pp. 54-5 (18
                       75  Du Bellay, II, p. 29: «je n’ay jamays eu de quelque cousté que ce soit deux advis
                    semblables  de  l’Empereur  ne  de  son  armee,  dont  je  ne  me  puis  trop  esmerveiller»,
                    Francis I to Du Bellay, 26 July 1535.
                       76  LP, viii, n. 1144, News from Rome 28 July, from Bologna, 30 July; n. 1155, Sir
                    Clement West [to Cromwell, 31 July], with accurate details.
                       77  Ang, Carpi, p. 59, Ricalcato to Carpi, 3 August 1535.
                       78  Csp SP 5(1), n. 192, Lope de Soria to Charles V, 9 August 1535.

                                                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Agosto 2020
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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