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«No great glory in chasing a pirate». The manipulation of news during the 1535   427

                    Francis I turn to them as Christian princes appreciated. Even the joint
                    campaign of 1543-4 and the use of Toulon as a Muslim base did not
                    result in universal condemnation of Francis I . The king instructed
                    La Forêt and other officials to disseminate information highlighting the
                    power of the Ottomans and their allies, their many victories over the
                    Persians, and Barbarossa’s powerful defences in Tunis. They claimed
                    there  were  150,000  men  under  Barbarossa’s  command  and  that
                    further reinforcements from Istanbul were on their way to Tunis . At
                    the same time they emphasised the emperor’s weakness. Ultimately,
                    Francis I’s strategy was to heighten fear of the Muslims to put pressure
                    on the emperor to give him back Milan in exchange for aid against the
                    Turks . It did not work. Charles V was supremely confident of his
                    forces.  The  Venetians  reckoned  Christendom  had  not  seen  such  a
                    force  for  a  long  time  and  that  Barbarossa  would  not  withstand  an
                    attack .
                       Ever the pragmatist, once he knew that Charles V was on his way
                    to Tunis, Francis I sent a secret envoy (Baugé) to the imperial court
                    with  two  sets  of  instructions.  One  was  to  be  used  if  Charles  V
                    decisively defeated Barbarossa and destroyed the Muslim fleet, gaining
                    total  dominance  of  the  sea;  the  other  if  Barbarossa  survived  and
                    gained  the  upper  hand.  Evidently,  they  reckoned  there  would  be  a
                    decisive  outcome  but  could  not  predict  the  winner .  The  French
                    council  continued  to  debate  what  could  be  done  about  Milan  if
                    Barbarossa was conclusively defeated. To prepare for this eventuality
                    they proposed a meeting between Queen Leonor, and her sister Mary
                    of  Hungary,  governor  of  the  Low  Countries.  Presented  as  a  family
                    reunion, it was universally understood as a political summit which
                    might be used to initiate negotiations . Despite a flurry of diplomatic
                    activity during June and July 1535, Christian Europe was in a state
                    of suspended animation: «all are waiting for the result of the Emperor’s

                       50  M.J. Rodríguez-Salgado, A masterclass in Justification: Francis I, Charles V and
                    Pope Paul III in the 1540s, in J.C. D’Amico, J.-L. Fournel, M. Merluzzi (eds.), François Ier
                    et  l'espace  politique  italien  :  états,  domaines  et  territoires,  École  Française  de  Rome,
                    Rome, 2018, pp. 397-420.
                       51  Ang, Carpi, p. 39, Carpi to Ricalcato, 6 June 1535.
                       52  Du Bellay, II, Instructions, 24 June 1535.
                       53  In Venice his forces were given as 450 sail, 30,000 foot, 2,000 horse, plus soldiers
                    in  the  ships  and  large  numbers  of  adventurers,  LP,  viii,  n.  874,  Harvel  to  Thomas
                    Starkey, 15 June 1535.
                       54  Ang, Carpi, p. 50, Carpi to Ricalcato, 10 July 1535: «porta gran commissione per
                    servirsene co/ S.M. Cesarea in caso peró che quella totalmente extirpasse Barbarossa,
                    et sua armada et restasse patron del mare, et ancora per valersene contrariamente se
                    per sorte Barbarossa restasse vivo et il disopra». The experienced envoy, Baugé, was one
                    of Montmorency’s men.
                       55  Ang, Carpi, p. 50 (cit.), Carpi to Ricalcato, 15 July 1535, repeated in p. 54.

                                                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Agosto 2020
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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