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464                                              Rubén González Cuerva

                founded doubts, the performance of the act of vassalage which followed
                European traditions had been a success. With this, the imperial army
                was ready to depart.


                   As  the  Emperor  suspected,  his  Tunisian  client  was  incapable  of
                consolidating  his  power  and  unable  to  win  back  the  old  Hafsid
                kingdom. In 1543, after eight years of unstable rule, Mulay Hassan
                travelled to Italy to meet his old friend (as he called him in his letters)
                Charles V again, and to beg him to give further support. In his absence
                from Tunis, his son, the prince Mulay Ahmed, usurped the throne and
                Mulay Hassan spent his last years of life in a venturesome exile.
                   There are four scenes in his last period that deserve our attention. His
                first stop after leaving Tunis in the spring of 1543 was Palermo, where he
                was honourably received by local gentlemen and lodged in the Palazzo di
                Aiutamicristo. Charles V had stayed in this same palace in 1535 after the
                conquest of Tunis, thus showing a parallel in kingship and dignity . After
                Palermo he sailed to Naples, where the viceroy Pedro de Toledo treated
                him with royal magnificence. Don Pedro went beyond the city walls to
                meet him, but made clear the inferior nature of an infidel king by greeting
                him without dismounting his horse as he would have done for a Christian
                monarch, while Mulay Hassan made a reverence in reply. Among the
                many activities offered by both the viceroy and the king in the Neapolitan
                summer of 1543, the most outstanding one was the aforementioned game
                of canes in which, for the first time in Europe, the Moorish riders could
                demonstrate their skills and compete with Spanish and Italian knights .
                   After this, Mulay Hassan became an attraction in Christian European
                courts,  playing  the  role  of  a  friend  of  Christians,  a  disgraced  but
                courteous  and  refined  Muslim  king.  In  1547-1548,  following  an
                unsuccessful  attempt  to  recover  his  kingdom  that  led  to  him  being
                blinded by his son Mulay Ahmed, and fleeing again into exile, Mulay
                Hassan initiated a more extended European tour, escorted by a small
                retinue  made  up  of  five  Tunisians  and  the  interpreter  Hernando  de

                   65  T. Fazello, Le due deche del’Historia di Sicilia, appresso Domenico, et Gio. Battista
                Guerra, Venetia, 1574, p. 915.
                   66   G.A.  Summonte,  Dell’historia  della  citta,  e  regno  di  Napoli,  a  spese  di  Antonio
                Bulifon, Napoli, 1675, vol. IV, p. 155; G. De Spenis, Breve cronica cit., pp. 518-524; B.
                Capasso, Muleassen re di Tunisi nel Palazzo Colonna (1543), «Napoli Nobilissima», 3:7
                (1894), pp. 100-103; III/8, pp. 117-120; G. Varriale, Dal simposio alla prigionia: gli ultimi
                hafsidi e il meridione italiano, «Orientalia Parthenopea», 11 (2011), pp. 16-17.

                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Agosto 2020
                ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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