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Infidel friends: Charles V, Mulay Hassan and the theatre of majesty   465

                                                           Velasco .  Mulay  Hassan  went
                                                           to Augsburg for another perso-
                                                           nal meeting with Charles V, but
                                                           before  that  he  travelled  exten-
                                                           sively  through  Italy;  his  mo-
                                                           vements  were  widely  dissemi-
                                                           nated  by  local  chroniclers  and
                                                           especially  by  his  friend  the
                                                           humanist  Paolo  Giovio.  Giovio
                                                           praised Mulay Hassan as a cul-
                                                           tivated man who surprised his
                                                           European interlocutors with his
                                                           delicate taste for perfumes, his
                                                           passion as a book collector and
                                                           his  proficiency  in  the  philo-
                                                           sophy  of  Averroes  and  judicial
                                                           astrology, all common fields of
                                                           discussion beyond religious dif-
                                                           ference .
                                                             Mulay  Hassan  also  visited
                                                           the viceroys of Sardinia , Sicily
                                                           and Naples. During that second
                                                           journey,  the  viceroy  of  Naples,
                                                           Pedro de Toledo, granted him a
                    Fig. 8. N. Van Der Horst, Muley Hazen Roy de   dignified lodging and treatment,
                    Thunes, in J. Chiflet, Les marques d'honneur
                    de  la  maison  de  Tassis,  Balthasar  Moretus,   but,  as  a  proof  of  Mulay
                    Anvers, 1645, p. 76.                   Hassan’s  diminished  status,
                                                           the  viceroy  did  not  even  visit
                    him .  Mulay  Hassan  was  received  by  pope  Paul  III  in  Rome  on  28
                    January 1548, however, as his role as an enemy of the Ottoman sultan
                    was considered more important than his Muslim faith. The blind king
                    refused to convert to Christianity and showed a distant – even disdainful
                    –  attitude  towards  the  Pontiff,  by  refusing  to  take  part  in  the  usual

                       67   Ferrante  Gonzaga  to  Charles  V,  15  January  1546,  Ags,  E,  1117,  n.  9;  Gómez
                    Suárez de Figueroa to Charles V, Genoa, 1 december 1547, Ags, E, 1379, n. 255, f. 1v.
                       68  The communication between both men was intermediated by Arabic translators,
                    a  situation  that  dismayed  Giovio  for  «speaking  through  idiot  interpreters»  [«aunque
                    hablábamos por intérpretes idiotas»]. P. Giovio, Segunda parte de la historia cit., ff. 201r,
                    206r-207v,  398r;  J.  Nauclerus,  Chronicon,  Quentel,  Coloniae,  1564,  p.  703;  S.
                    Deswarte-Rose, L’expedition de Tunis cit., pp. 117-118, 121-129.
                       69  Gómez Suárez de Figueroa to Charles V, Genoa, 1 December 1547, Ags, E, 1379,
                    n. 255, f. 1v.
                       70  «no le he podido ver, pero hele hecho tratar y recoger bien». Pedro de Toledo to
                    Charles V, Naples, 9 December 1547, Ags, E, 1037, n. 145.

                                                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Agosto 2020
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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