Page 205 - sfogliabile 49
P. 205

A baroque vision of the conquest of Tunis in 1535                471

                       There are several editions of Carlos V, sobre Tunez. The one we have
                    used is the edition published by the printing house Santa Cruz de
                    Salamanca,  sometime  in  the  eighteenth  century  according  to  the
                    bibliographic description proffered by the National Library of Spain .
                    According  to  Jerónimo  Herrera  the  work  was  printed  under
                    Cañizares’s  name  in  1749,  although  the  musician  Inachi  signed
                    various receipts related to it dated 20 November 1730 , in other words,
                    prior to the occupation of Oran and before Philip V’s North African
                    foreign policy achieved its first success. It should be noted that the
                    work,  at  least  at  that  time,  required  music  and  that  it  was  not
                    published until almost forty years after its first performances in 1711,
                    which means it had obviously been written before that date. The play
                    was performed on the 29 , 30  and 31  of January 1711 and between
                    the  1   and  5   of  February  in  the  Corral  del  Príncipe,  eight  perfor-
                    mances  in  all  with  an  average  daily  attendance  of  439  spectators .
                    Varey and Davis believe that the first of those performances was the
                    play’s premiere, and that the theatre company that managed all the
                    performances  was  the  one  belonging  to  José  Garcés .  These  days,
                    there  seems  to  be  no  doubt  that  the  year  the  play  premiered  was
                    1711 .  It  was  performed  again  in  October  1713,  four  times  in  the
                    Corral  del  Príncipe  by  José  de  Prado’s  Company,  with  an  average
                    attendance of 653 spectators per performance . There were further
                    performances on the 25 , 26  and 27th of September 1717 in the
                    Corral  de  la  Cruz  by  Juan  Alvarez’s  Company,  with  an  average
                    attendance of 635 spectators per performance . According to Andioc
                    and Coulon it was shown once more in several theatres in Madrid – in
                    El Príncipe, in the theatre De La Santa Cruz, and that of Caños del

                       5  Biblioteca Nacional de España, T/15061(8). This volume comprises the printed
                    editions of several plays of the eighteenth century written by different authors. In the
                    quotations  that  appear  in  this  article  both  grammar  and  punctuation  have  been
                    modernised. After each fragment we indicate inside brackets the page in the edition
                    used. It is also worth noting that another edition was printed by the publisher Francisco
                    Suriá, from Barcelona, in 1770. As we shall see, the play was performed on several
                    occasions in that city. In fact, that edition was paid for by a theatre company which
                    suggests that it must have been the same company who performed it. This is mentioned
                    in the last page of the Catalan edition of the work which can be consulted in the Fondo
                    Antiguo de la Biblioteca de Cataluña.
                       6  J. Herrera Navarro, Catálogo cit., p. 78. This author refers to the play discussed
                    here as a work written by Cañizares.
                       7  J.E. Varey, C. Davis, Los libros de cuentas de los corrales de comedias de Madrid,
                    Tamesis Books Limited, Madrid-London, 1992, p. 62.
                       8  Ivi, p. 403 on the premier and 177 identification of the theatre company; J. Huerta
                    Calvo (ed.), Historia del Teatro Español, Madrid: Editorial Gredos, 2003, p. II, 3021.
                       9  J. Huerta Calvo (ed.), Historia cit., vol. II, p. 3021.
                       10  J.E. Varey, C. Davis, Los libros cit., pp. 230, 385.
                       11  Ivi, pp. 316, 385.

                                                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Agosto 2020
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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