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476                                              Miguel José Deyá Bauzá

                collaboration between the troops from different origin seems to have
                been minimal .
                   Thereafter the action moves to Barcelona where fleet is being fitted,
                specifically  to  the  Emperor’s  tent  where  the  military  leaders  of  the
                expedition – the Duke of Alba, the Prince of Portugal, the Marquis of
                Vasto, and the “Duke of Amalfi” come to discuss the expedition . The
                Emperor  immediately  informs  them  that  the  Turk  has  greatly
                expanded his domains in the preceding years, taking advantage of the
                fact that Charles V was otherwise occupied

                   en las guerras interiores
                   y en los domésticos bandos,
                   que mis pueblos dividieron
                   y mi Imperio sublevaron,
                   junto a las invasiones
                   de los vecinos Estados (p. 8) 24 .

                   These verses clearly evoke the problems arising from the Lutheran
                Reform but also to the different rebellions within his lands, and the
                wars  with  France.  The  Emperor  continues  recalling  how  the  Turks
                took Rhodes from the Knights of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem,
                but criticises the latter because they had «turned to France and the
                Pope for help, more so than to Spain» , and thus tries to minimise the
                opprobrium which Spain also deserved as no one helped the Knights.
                He also mentions the Ottoman invasion of Hungary and the death of
                his brother-in-law, king Luis, and notes that the rest of Europe did
                nothing against the Ottomans despite them penetrating into the heart
                of the continent. Here the author puts words into the Emperor’s mouth
                which  reflect  eighteenth  century  notions  of  Europe.  There  are
                references to Christianity in general in the play, as in the case of the
                conversion of Muslim women, but Cañizares makes use of the concept
                of  Christianity  as  if  it  was  synonymous  with  Catholicism,  again,

                   22  R. González Cuerva, La aportación cit., p. 42.
                   23  By the Duke of Amalfi the author means Andrea Doria, one of the leaders of the
                campaign along with the Duke of Alba, the Prince of Portugal and the Marquis of Vasto.
                The confusion seems to arise from the fact that the author mixes up Andrea Doria’s real
                title as Prince of Melfi and the Duchy of Amalfi.
                   24  «When civil wars / and noble conflicts / divided my people / and caused rebellion
                in my empire / as neighbouring powers invaded».
                   25  This represents not just criticism of the other Christian nations, France and the
                Pope  but  a  genuine  self-criticism  of  the  Spanish  Monarchy  although  the  author
                subsequently states that the Emperor granted to them (the Knights of St John) Malta
                and the nearby isles of Gozo and Comino («three islands for one: Rhodes – the one they
                lost to the Turk»).

                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Agosto 2020
                ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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