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488                                              Miguel José Deyá Bauzá

                already noted. It was not only Barcelona, however. In Valencia, the
                play was performed on the 3  and 4  of July 1790, on the 10  of
                December  1795,  on  the  7   of  September  1796  and  on  the  30   of
                August 1797 . In Seville, we know it was performed on the 24  of
                August 1800, on the 11  of August 1806, on the 21  of January 1808,
                on the 19  of May 1813, on the 29  and 30  of October 1814, on the
                10  and 11  of June 1815 and on the 30  of November and 1  of
                December 1816 .
                   This revival of Cañizares’s play appears to date from between 1775
                and  1777,  and  should  be  seen  in  the  context  of  foreign  relations
                between  Spain  and  North  African  powers  of  that  period.  Although
                during the reign of Charles III various peace treaties were signed – one
                with  Morocco  (1766)   and  another  with  the  Sublime  Porte  (the
                Ottoman  Empire,  in  1782)  –  relations  with  Algeria  are  best
                characterised  as  guerre  couverte,  an  undeclared  war  against  the
                corsairs based there. Piracy was so prevalent it had led to the near
                collapse of navigation in the Western Mediterranean, endangering the
                interests  of  the  Balearic  Archipelago  and  much  of  the  Spanish
                Levantine coast. The punitive strike by Spain in 1775 against Algiers,
                the same year when according to our sources the play was performed
                for the first time in Barcelona , was a total disaster that led to many
                complaints  and  a  wave  of  vicious  satires   that  brought  about  the
                dismissal  of  the  Marquis  of  Grimaldi.  Against  this  background,
                Cañizares’s play could be seen as a useful piece of propaganda, and
                government ministers were not unaware of the power of the theatre in
                this respect. It presented a king who happened to have the same name
                as the current King of Spain as victor over the Muslim enemy . The
                fact that Charles V’s victory was in Tunis and not in Algiers wasn’t of
                much importance: what mattered was the defeat of an infidel pirate,
                Barbarossa, at that time known as the King of Algiers, and therefore
                the  embodiment  of  Algerian  piracy.  However,  the  confrontation

                   62  A. Zabala, El teatro en la Valencia de finales del siglo XVIII, Institució Alfons el
                Magnànim, Valencia, 1982, p. 285.
                   63   F.  Aguilar,  Cartelera  prerromántica  sevillana.  Años  1800-1836,  «Cuadernos
                Bibliográficos», 22 (1968), p. 15.
                   64  This treaty did not prevent the war with Morocco of 1774 which had a considerable
                influence on the decision by Spain to attack Algiers in 1775. E. Villalba, O’Reilly y la
                expedición de Argel (1775). Sátiras para un fracaso, in A. Guimerá, V. Peralta (eds.), El
                equilibro de los Imperios, Fundación Española de Historia Moderna, Madrid, 2005, p.
                   65  The other two expeditions took place in 1783 and 1784.
                   66  E. Villalba, O’Reilly cit.
                   67   Jovellanos  appreciated  the  value  of  history  to  nurture  patriotism  among  the
                public,  J.M.  Caso,  Notas  sobre  la  comedia  histórica  en  el  siglo  XVIII,  in  Coloquio
                Internacional sobre el teatro español del siglo XVIII, Piovan Editore, Padua, 1988, p. 129.
                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Agosto 2020
                ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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