Page 218 - sfogliabile 49
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484                                              Miguel José Deyá Bauzá

                   resolución Barbarroja
                   los rehace y los restaura…
                   Al conjuro de mi magia
                   haré que se turbe el Sol
                   y vagas nubes preñadas
                   de menuda artillería,
                   que el viento en su seno cuaja,
                   dando a las morismas huestes
                   la munición que disparan
                   en el rostro mostraré,
                   ya que no tengo otras armas,
                   que por Mulay mis ardides
                   hacen todo lo que alcanzan (pp. 30-31) 48 .

                   The  play  does  not  reveal  whether  the  Emperor’s  victory  was
                influenced by this spell .
                   After  the  battle,  with  the  Emperor  in  control  of  La  Goleta,  the
                Spaniards are praised. The emperor grants one hundred escudos to
                Pichon, who is cast as the Gracioso (the low status, comic character)
                in the play which he rejects it as an insult,

                   Eso conmigo no se habla.
                   Yo he venido a ganar honra.
                   Un español no se paga
                   con dinero, voto a Christo.
                   Para tropas alquiladas
                   es eso bueno. Dinero
                   ni cuanto vale Alemania
                   puede pagarme a mi un día
                   de hambre, calor y galbanas (p. 33) 50 .

                   48  «The troops of Charles V / defeat and throw into disarray / the Turkish squads,
                / but with as much bravery / and resolution, Barbarossa/ reforms and restores them
                … / With my magic spells / I shall obscure the Sun / and make vague clouds appear
                pregnant / with small artillery, / and with the help of the wind, / face the Moorish
                troops with the sight / of the ammunition they fire / being thrown back towards them
                / for I have no other weapons, / but to help Mulay / I will use all my cunning tricks to
                achieve this goal» (pp. 30-31).
                   49  The involvement of magic is typical of baroque theatre, which was very popular in
                the first few years of the 18th century, particularly in Cañizares’s plays, in which female
                characters played the role of magicians with extraordinary powers, E. Palacios, El teatro
                tardobarroco y los nuevos géneros dieciochescos, in J. Huerta Calvo (ed.), Historia cit.,
                vol. II, p. 1563.
                   50  «I’ll have nothing of that. / I came here to earn honour. / A Spaniard cannot be
                bought / with money, by God. / Money is good / to buy mercenaries / Neither money
                nor all the riches / of Germany / can compensate me for a single day / of hunger, sweat
                or idleness» (p. 33).

                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Agosto 2020
                ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
   213   214   215   216   217   218   219   220   221   222   223