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           some  of  the  material  published  in  Il  Caffè –  which  should  be
           accompanied by the analysis of the major works and the correspondence
           of  Pietro  and  Alessandro  Verri,  Cesare  Beccaria,  Paolo  Frisi  and
           various other participants in the great season of general renewal of
           political and economic culture which was the latter half of the 18th
           century  in  Lombardy  –  would  make  it  possible  to  perceive  with
           immediacy the admiration for the mathematical, physical, astronomic
           and, more broadly, philosophic-scientific tradition that had grown up
           in the West thanks to Galileo, Bacon, Newton, Harvey, Petty and the
           other  protagonists  of  the  development  of  the  research  method  we
           consider ‘scientific’ today.
              However, the admiration of the leading exponents of the Lombard
           Enlightenment  for  the  methodological/scientific  innovations  of  the
           preceding  decades  never  becomes  the  sterile  acceptation  of  pre-
           existing  quantitative  schematization,  nor  the  banal  imposition  of
           mechanistic  readings  and  interpretations  of  economic  and  social
           systems. Instead, it is precisely in the natural sciences, on the one
           hand,  and  in  the  social  sciences  (and  therefore  economics),  on  the
           other, that we find one of the original elements of the Lombard En-
           lightenment: at once a marker of its cultural status as a phenomenon
           of European significance and of its precocious emancipation from the
           uncritically  ‘scientific’  patterns  evolving  in  other  European  areas
           during the same decades.
              So it seems we ought to proceed very carefully indeed in hypothesizing
           that the members of the enlightened Lombard circle most engaged in
           the construction of a project of political reform and, thus, in the elab-
           oration  of  a  new  economic  culture,  gave  their  full  and  authentic
           support  to  the  geometric/mechanistic  conception  of  social  –  and
           economic – life; or even to Political Economy as a discipline replicating
           the model of the exact sciences, since that might schematize functional
           relations  to  the  detriment  of  the  phenomenological  and  empiric
           dimension of social and cultural reality.
              The richness and the up to date information of the methodological
           debate appearing in the pages of Il Caffè allows far more articulate
           concepts to come into view – and with implications not of secondary
           importance for the reformatory political project, both as regards the
           epistemological aspects that most directly invest the formation of eco-
           nomic culture and as regards the relations between this and the other
           sciences concerning society.

           Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XV - Agosto 2018       n.43
           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99