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Sabbatini (saggi)_5  14/12/18  09:32  Pagina 563

                   Una repubblica tra due re: la Declaration di Giacomo Stuart     563

                   conscience, let him examine his interest[,] and his glory, nayhis very ambition
                   will advise him to descend from a throne, which must be always Shaking, to
                   mount another where his feat will be firm and secure.
                      We conjure all Christian Princes and States to be ayding and assisting to
                   us in this our just and amicable proposal, whereby without effusion of blood,
                   or any national or publick disturbance, justice may be done to an injur’d
                   Prince, and an Equivalent provided sufficient to content an aspiring one.
                      [3] As a farther inducement to all Christian Powers to enter more seriously
                   and deliberately into this important proposition, we offer our-self to make good
                   on  our  part  all  such  allyances  as  have  been  already  contracted  with  our
                   Kingdoms, conducive to the peace and tranquility of Europe, and to enter into
                   any new ones, that may be judged necessary for the farther strengthning and
                   securing thereof.
                      That  there  may  likewise  remain  no  objection  from  the  fears  and
                   apprehensions of any one man in our own dominions, conscious of having
                   offended against us, we promise a full, free, and universal pardon to all persons
                   of whatever degree or condition within our Realms, without any exception, who
                   Shall in any reasonable time return to their allegiance, or by any act and deed,
                   advice or otherwise effectually contribute to Such a happy accommodation as
                   may put a period to all our private and publick misfortunes: that every English
                   man may hereafter live quietly under his own Shade, enjoy his conscience
                   undisturbed, and rest upon his pillow in peace.
                      We protest solemnly before God, and man that nothing can be proposed to us
                   to make our Kingdoms happy and flourishing, and to quiet the minds of all men,
                   but we will Strive with the most zealous to promote.
                      Our  desire  is  to  embrace  the  whole  body  of  our  people  without  any
                   distinction or reserve, to root up the very seeds of prejudice and division, That
                   all notes of discord, separation, or difference of partys, and all reproachfull
                   denominations may be for ever extinguish’d, and that the King and his people
                   may have but one mind, one heart and one interest.
                      That humanity, that love of our Country, and that good will to all men
                   which we make the rule of our actions, prompt and incline us in first place to
                   the ways of mercy and peace.
                      It is therefore that waving all present application to foreign powers, who
                   considering how much in reality our cause is their own, might reasonably be
                   induced to aid us in vindicating that majesty which they behold opprest and
                   [4] affronted in our person, and sacrificing all resentment, passion, or desire
                   of Revenge, to the publick good, we now seek and condescend to shake hands,
                   even with those who have most injur’d us.
                      Given at our Court at Lucca this present tenth of September 1722 and in
                   the twenty first year of our Reign.
                      POST SCRIPT
                      JAMES REX
                      Since we first proposed to publish this our Declaration to the world, it is
                   come  to  our  knowledge  that  divers  of  our  Subjects  continue  dayly  to  be
                   question’d  and  imprison’d  upon  pretence  of  intelligence  with  us:  That
                   informers, spy’s, and false wittnesses are become so numerous and are so
                   openly caress’d and encourag’d, that no innocence is safe: That the terrour of
                   these arbitrary and violent proceedings, is become dreadfull to all men, nor

                   n.44                         Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XV - Dicembre 2018
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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