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The “reluctant” admiral: Damad Halil Pasha and the Ottoman navy (1595-1598)   25

                    quently approached by those who wanted Cigalazade’s removal from the
                    admiralty  due  to  his  anti-Venetian  actions  in  late  1594 .  This  back-
                    ground explains Arnavud Memi’s reappointment as governor-general of
                    Trablusgarb in March 1595 , shortly after Halil Pasha’s promotion to the
                    admiralty, and his privileged position as de facto commander of the navy
                    between 1595 and 1598. During his admiralty, Halil Pasha maintained
                    his protection over Arnavud Memi and even had him appointed to the
                    governor-generalship of Trablusşam in September 1597 by making a per-
                    sonal petition to the sultan on behalf of him .
                       The patterns of appointment to the maritime sancaks belonging to
                    the  province  of  kapudan  pasha  during  Halil  Pasha’s  admiralty  are
                    mostly consistent with the general thesis propounded by Metin Kunt
                    in terms of the frequent changes, shorter periods of tenure and region-
                    alism of provincial offices in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth
                    centuries . A scan of appointment registers between 1595 and 1598
                    reveals that there had been frequent incidences of dismissals and re-
                    appointments in several maritime sancaks. In April 1595, Halil Pasha
                    changed the sancakbeyis of Rhodes, Mezistre (Mystras, Greece) and
                    Mytilene, who had been appointed by the previous administration less
                    than a year ago. These appointments were made with the method of
                    ber vech-i mübâdele, which means that the governors of these sancaks
                    exchanged their positions with each other . Among these sancaks,
                    the  administration  of  Mezistre  was  subjected  to  the  most  frequent
                    changes in Halil Pasha’s time. In May 1595, the sancakbeyi of Mezistre
                    was transferred to the sancak of Eğriboz (Euboea, Greece), and Mezis-
                    tre was given to the Ağa of the azebs of Rhodes. In January 1596, the
                    sancakbeyi  of  Silistre  (Silistra,  Bulgaria),  who  was  previously  a

                    Tripoli di Barbaria». Marco Venier to the Senate, Constantinople, 23 December 1594,
                    Asv, Sdc, 40, f. 371r.
                       75  For example, the deputy grand vizier, Ferhad Pasha, in order to denigrate Cigala-
                    zade before the Sultan, asked Arnavud Memi to gather evidences to prove Cigalazade’s
                    damages against the Venetians. Marco Venier to the Senate, Constantinople, 19 Janu-
                    ary 1595, Asv, Sdc, 40, f. 448r.
                       76  «Mirmîrân-ı Trablusgarb: sâbıkan Trablusgarb Beğlerbeğisi Memi Paşa’ya virilmek
                    buyuruldı [the governor-generalship of Trablusgarb is given to Memi Pasha, who was
                    previously governor-general of Trablusgarb]». BOA, A.NŞT.d 1140, 11 Receb 1003 (22
                    March 1595), p. 73.
                       77  «Mirmîrân-ı Trablusşam: kapudan vezîr Halil Paşa hazretlerinin tezkiresi mûce-
                    bince sâbıkan Trablusşam Beğlerbeğisi olan Memi Paşa’ya tevcîh olunmak buyuruldı
                    [the governor-generalship of Trablusşam is given to Memi Pasha in accordance with the
                    tezkire of vizier admiral Halil Pasha]». BOA, A.RSK.d 1474, Safer 1006, September 1597,
                    p. 256.
                       78  M. Kunt, The Sultan’s Servants cit., pp. 67-76.
                       79  The governor of Rhodes was shifted to the sancak of Mezistre; the governor of
                    Mezistre to the sancak of Mytilene, and the governor of Mytilene to the sancak of Rhodes.
                    BOA, A.NŞT.d 1140, 28 Receb 1003 (8 April 1595), p. 77.

                                                  Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XX - Aprile 2023
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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